The problem of the equivalence in the translation of poetry. The Italian translation of "La casada infiel" by Federico García Lorca

  • Elisa Cilia Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Federico García Lorca, Romancero gitano, Generation of ’27, poetry, Carlo Bo, translation studies, equivalence, rhetoric, formal analysis.


This article aims to analyze the problems of translation in the case of a poetic text, particularly focusing on the problem of equivalence. To underline the problems a poetry translator could have and to develop the issue of this work, it has been necessary to choose a poem with peculiar characteristics: La casada infiel by Federico García Lorca. In fact, it is a text with a specific versification, typical of the popular Spanish poetry – the romance- and presents octosílabos with assonant rhyme in its odd lines. These features will be the starting point of the text analysis and also to consider how the translator works in relation to a metrical structure like this (in Italian, this Spanish verse doesn’t have a corresponding poetical structure, even if the Italian ottonario could be considered very similar).


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How to Cite
Cilia E. (2015). The problem of the equivalence in the translation of poetry. The Italian translation of "La casada infiel" by Federico García Lorca. Estudios de Traducción, 5, 43-57.