Estudios de Traducción <p><em>Estudios de Traducción </em>(ISSN-e 2254-1756) is an annual journal published by the Complutense University of Madrid’s University Institute of Modern Languages and Translators. It compiles articles on different aspects of the field of translation in addition to reviews of studies on the topic and literary works translated into Spanish. It is aimed at students, professors and researchers and also anyone interested in this wide field of research.</p> Ediciones Complutense es-ES Estudios de Traducción 2174-047X <p>In order to support the global exchange of knowledge, the journal <em>Estudios de Traducción </em>is allowing unrestricted access to its content as from its publication in this electronic edition, and as such it is an open-access journal. The originals published in this journal are the property of the Complutense University of Madrid and any reproduction thereof in full or in part must cite the source. All content is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 use and distribution licence (CC BY 4.0). This circumstance must be expressly stated in these terms where necessary. You can view the <a href="" target="_self">summary </a>and the <a href="">complete legal text</a> of the licence.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Datos del volumen 14 <p>Datos del volumen 14</p> Equipo Editorial Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 163 163 The polyvalence of provided that and its implications for specialised translation <p>This paper addresses the uses of <em>provided</em> <em>that</em> as an intersentential marker with the aim of guiding possible translation solutions. Adams (2004) argues that this expression poses a translation problem due to the fact that it is almost always associated with a conditional meaning. Based on a literature review and the analysis of a collected corpus, we illustrate cases in which <em>provided that</em> expresses conditional and non-conditional values. These uses are not always recognisable at first sight but can be fully understood by considering formal and conceptual clues which evidence the semantic-pragmatic contribution of the expression.</p> Marina Scalerandi José María Oliver Isolda Rodríguez Villegas Gladys Berisso Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 109 120 10.5209/estr.91498 University training in audiovisual translation in Spain with French as a source language <p>This article presents the results of a descriptive study on the state of university training in audiovisual translation (AVT) with French as a source language in Spain during the 2022-2023 academic year. Data show that, at present, 100 % of the degrees in Translation and Interpreting (or similar) have AVT modules, of which less than 22 % have French as a source language. At postgraduate level, 0 % of AVT-specific Master’s degrees focus on French, while modules in non-specific postgraduate degrees are less than 15 %. Finally, the offer at undergraduate level seems to have grown timidly compared to data in Cerezo Merchán (2012), although this is not the case at postgraduate level.</p> Beatriz Reverter Oliver Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 121 131 10.5209/estr.91659 An Approach to Audio Description of Humour in Different Cultural Settings <p>La traducción audiovisual y, más concretamente, la accesibilidad, tienen un papel fundamental en la sociedad multicultural en la que vivimos. Debido a la diversidad cultural y social, existen grupos de personas que dependen de los servicios de accesibilidad a la hora de consumir productos audiovisuales debido a sus impedimentos físicos. Entre dichos servicios, destaca la audiodescripción para personas ciegas y con deficiencias visuales (AD). El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar de qué forma viajan el humor y los aspectos culturales en las comedias audiovisuales, y la forma en la que esto puede influir en cómo se producen los guiones audiodescritos en diferentes países. Para ello, se llevará a cabo un análisis de corpus en el que se compararán dos versiones de AD, una española y otra estadounidense, de la película original de comedia <em>Campeones</em> (Javier Fesser 2018) y de su <em>remake</em> <em>Champions</em> (Bobby Farrelly 2023), respectivamente. Los principales resultados de este estudio descriptivo sugieren que la práctica de la AD de textos audiovisuales humorísticos en un contexto multicultural es en realidad un tema complejo que podría abordarse mediante la teoría de la relevancia (Sperber y Wilson 1986), tal y como sugiere Martínez Sierra (2009), aunque es necesario llevar a cabo más investigaciones al respecto.</p> María López Rubio Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 133 142 10.5209/estr.91295 Cadera, Susanne y Walsh, Andrew (eds.). Retranslation and Reception. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. 2022, 356 pp. Sofía Antequera Manzano Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 143 144 10.5209/estr.91738 Zaro Vera, Juan Jesús (ed.). Estudios sobre el español como lengua de traducción en España y América. Berlín: Peter Lang 2022. 474 pp. Beatriz Priego Recio Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 145 146 10.5209/estr.91625 Arias Doblas, Rosario y Zaro Vera, Juan Jesús (eds) (2023) Género, heterodoxia y traducción. Difusión del ocultismo en España y en el ámbito europeo (1840-1920). Kassel, Reichenberger, Col. Problemata literaria 95, 262 pp. Clara Díaz Guarino Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 147 148 10.5209/estr.91666 Lafarga, Francisco y Pegenaute, Luis (eds.), Planteamientos historiográficos sobre la traducción en el ámbito hispánico. Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2023. 358 pp. Candelas Bayón Cenitagoya Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 149 150 10.5209/estr.91597 Lafarga, Francisco y Pegenaute, Luis (eds.), Elementos para una articulación del pensamiento sobre la traducción en España. Kassel: Edition Reichenberger 2023. 396 pp. Irene Fuentes-Pérez Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 151 153 10.5209/estr.90838 Saad, Mohamed Saad (Ed.), Camilo José Cela, novelista universal: estudios en torno a la traducción de su narrativa con motivo del XX aniversario de su muerte. Berlín: Peter Lang 2022. 208 pp. <p>Profesores de las universidades españolas Pablo de Olavide, del País Vasco y de Sevilla han querido aprovechar el XX aniversario de la muerte del ilustre escritor español Camilo José Cela para rendirle homenaje, presentando una serie de interesantes y rigurosos estudios en torno a la traducción de la narrativa del autor gallego a las siguientes lenguas: el inglés, el francés, el alemán, el italiano y el árabe.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>En este libro integrado por siete capítulos, los referidos investigadores ponen el acento en ciertas facetas relacionadas con las dificultades que podrían producirse en la traslación de la narrativa de Camilo José Cela a otras lenguas. Sostienen en este libro que la problemática de la traducción del escritor del pueblo español de la posguerra, no se limita exclusivamente a la necesidad de reflejar realidades sumamente especiales, que representan una dimensión espacio temporal concreta y específica, sino que se origina en las formas de expresión propias de las gentes que viven dichas realidades, y cuyo lenguaje va cargando el autor español de una rica gama de matices y simbolismos.</p> Ahmed Ahmed Elshazly Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 155 156 10.5209/estr.91718 Calvo-Ferrer, José Ramón, Videojuegos para el desarrollo de la competencia traductora en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch 2023. 170 pp. <ol> <li class="show">&nbsp;</li> </ol> Antonio Javier Chica Núñez Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 157 158 10.5209/estr.91725 Mira Kadrić, Mira; Rennert, Sylvi; y Schäffner, Christina (Eds.), Diplomatic & Political Interpreting Explained. Oxford /New York: Routledge 2022. 204 pp. <p>In diplomacy and statecraft studies, it has been established that the invisible yet omnipresent language interpreters often assume a critical role at international meetings of politicians and diplomats. In contrast to interpreting in everyday settings, interpreting in political and diplomatic settings is high-profile and exclusive for two main reasons. On the one hand, political events and diplomatic missions often involve high-ranking and high-power officials from the field of politics and diplomacy, usually heads of the state, ministers, and military commanders. On the other hand, the impact of these communicative events is far-reaching, extending to peace negotiations, conflict resolutions, and post-conflict peace-building efforts. The outcome of these operations is highly visible and substantive to vulnerable groups and mobile populations, including but not limited to child victims, war-afflicted adults, and displaced and stateless populations.</p> Ran Yi Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 159 160 10.5209/estr.88558 Zu Reventlow, Franziska. Apuntes del señor Dama. Salamanca: Firmamento 2022 [1913]. 172 pp. <p>Based on the recent translation into Spanish of Franziska zu Reventlow's work, Apuntes del Señor Dama, by Editorial Firmamento and Alberto Gordo, the author's relevance in the German context is discussed. In addition, the work is analysed formally and thematically in line with the context of German literature at the beginning of the 20th century, which was marked by the rise of subjectivity, impressionism and the crisis of language. As this is the first translation of the German work into our language, a few lines are also devoted to the nature of the translation itself.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Aroa Dürst Albaya Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 161 162 10.5209/estr.88564 Introducción a “La retórica en los géneros religiosos: traducción y discurso” <p>Numerosos estudios giran en torno a la figura del traductor considerándolo herramienta de comunicación insustituible en la era de la globalización. Traducir implica verter contenido y respetar el texto con fidelidad, atendiendo a la discursividad y a la preservación de los efectos retóricos (Corredor Plaja 1995). A tal propósito, el proceso conlleva un análisis pormenorizado de los elementos propios de la cultura de origen y su posterior traslación, a través de una selección consciente de técnicas que permitan percibir y emplear el texto traducido como un original.</p> Alicia Silvestre Miralles Rubén González Vallejo Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 1 3 10.5209/estr.96149 Religious beliefs and manifestations in agraphic communities <p>This article aims to analyze the origins, symbols and traditions of an unwritten society, the wayuu ethnic group from whose mythological conceptions emerges their way of understanding the creation of the world, the origin of things and, above all, the relationship that this people has with the gods, as well as the role that nature acquires, conceived as a deity.</p> <p> We will address the evangelizing role carried out by the missionaries who arrived at the place, as well as their conversion work aimed at preventing any demonstration that claimed religious beliefs contrary to the Catholic religion.</p> <p> We will discover how the ancestral beliefs and religious manifestations of this people based on myths, rituals and songs confirm their values ​​and religious norms, exhibitions without a doubt that will allow us to better understand their individual and collective identity.</p> María Cruz Alonso Sutil Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 5 13 10.5209/estr.91410 The work of translation of Augustinians, Dominicans and Franciscans in Spain in the eighteenth century <p>The translation of Spanish religious men and women in the 18<sup>th</sup> century brings together some unique characteristics that have to do with the state of society and the relationships between royalty and the ecclesiastical hierarchy, on the one hand, and the latter with the religious orders. and orders from each other. Through this study on the contribution of Augustinians, Dominicans and Franciscans, we analyze the beats of an era and the religious tensions and dissensions both in Spain and in its overseas territories. In a more particular way, we make an assessment of the religious text, as well as the commitment of religious translators and we outline the quantity and quality of their results, offering some outstanding examples of these works.</p> Antonio Bueno García Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 15 23 10.5209/estr.91778 The paradigm shift in Spanish missionary translation in China and the Philippines between the 16th and 18th centuries <p>This article addresses the challenges and solutions of religious translation in five documents prepared by Spanish missionaries in the Philippines and China from the late sixteenth to the late eighteenth century. It analyzes the translations into Chinese of religious terminology, with the aim of identifying the criteria and strategies employed by the translators. The study traces an evolution, from initial fluctuating strategies to their consolidation. Finally, it observes how translation paradigms have evolved from a focus on cultural adaptation to a focus on linguistic adaptation, reflecting the contact between the Spanish and Chinese languages.</p> Li-Mei Liu Liu Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 25 34 10.5209/estr.91825 A Divine Version of a Folk Tale: García Lorca’s La balada de Caperucita <p>Lorca's divine version of La balada de Caperucita is novel, with respect to the original fairy tale. The aim of this article is to carry out a rigorous linguistic analysis, focused on three levels: the emotional level, through the basic emotion of violence, based on the opposing pair: anger and fear; the lexical level, where we distinguish religious and parareligious lexicon, with application to four grammatical categories; and the rhetorical level, with the predominant procedure of antithetical opposition, procedure already inherited from the fairy tale.</p> María Azucena Penas Ibáñez Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 35 44 10.5209/estr.91665 The First Translations into English of The Book of My Life by Saint Teresa in the Seventeenth Century <p>In this essay, we will analyze the English translations of <em>The Book of my Life</em> by Teresa of Jesus, studying the different versions during the 17<sup>th</sup> century. Thus, we will show how the translations had a relevant position in the religious sphere of its time, and served to promote the tridentine spirit in a moment of religious expansion throughout Europe. Moreover, the versions had a pivotal significance among the Carmelites of the newly founded monastery in Antwerp; they served to preserve the spirit of Teresa of Jesus and her charisma, at a moment in which the conventual life was being renovated.</p> María Luisa Pérez Bernardo Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 45 53 10.5209/estr.91712 Interpreting Confucianism in Chinese Philosophical Context with Qualia Structure <p>Chinese philosophy understood through the key philosophical terms has been made familiar to Western readers by first “Christianizing” it, and then by “Orientalizing” it. Many of new translations of these canonical texts are uncritically perpetuating the same formula for rendering key philosophical terms proffered in the earlier efforts at cultural translation. Those who are working with the Master of Confucianism in China reconsider the Confucian values and attempt to interpret Confucianism in Chinese philosophical context. This paper employs the qualia structure (Pustejovsky 1991) to verify the validation of three important Confucian concepts, rén (仁), lǐ(礼) and dé (德), of the total 92 Confucian conceptual terms from <em>The Analects </em>(Lúnyǚ,《论语》) and <em>Tao-Te Ching </em>(Dàodéjīng,《道德经》) as the case studies. The qualia structure investigates the semantic information of the core characters in both source and target text which can effectively clarify the correspondence in Chinese-English translation in that the equivalent semantic information can be regarded as the equivalent translation. Furthermore, through this research, misunderstandings can be avoided and foreigners will find it easy to understand Chinese culture.</p> Xiaojun Zhang Zhiwei Han Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 55 64 10.5209/estr.92710 Did Chinese Buddhists translate the old formula ‘him I call a Brahmin’? The reconstruction of Buddhism as the path of nirvāṇa in Early Chinese translations <p>At first, Chinese translators lacked a unified criterion for interpreting Buddhist scriptures. They employed various phonetic transliterations and gradually adopted etymological approaches as their understanding developed. This study analyzes the Chinese translations of the oldest stratum of Pāli scriptures, focusing on the formula 'him I call a Brahmin', attributed in the Canon as the words of the Buddha. This formula has been preserved in Chinese Buddhist scriptures as well. However, Chinese translators did not always translate the formula literally. Their goal was to persuade Chinese readers that they were knowledgeable about the path of <em>nirvāṇa</em>.</p> Efraín Villamor Herrero Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 65 76 10.5209/estr.90600 Translation analysis of Islamic religious expressions in Sons of Our Neighborhood, by Naguib Mahfuz, from the theory of speech acts <p>This paper analyzes the translatological treatment of the Islamic expressions in Naguib Mahfuz’s <em>Sons of Our Neigbourhood</em>, from the approach of the speech act theory (Searle 1969), while determining the techniques of its transfer from Arabic, a deeply religious language, to Spanish, a language formally detached from religious aspects. The objective is to verify whether the religious content of the original text has been transferred or eliminated, and, if transferred, whether the translators have been more inclined to domestication or foreignization, in Venuti’s terminology (1995).</p> Ali Mohamed Abdel Latif Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 77 86 10.5209/estr.90210 Guidelines for Spanish sign language interpreting in religious settings <p>Religious (con)texts are one of the great challenges for interpreters and translators due to the symbolism and language that characterises them. Interpreting into/from sign languages requires considering the modality difference between the two languages. In view of the limited resources available to Spanish sign language (LSE) interpreters, this paper proposes theoretical guidelines for these professionals in this field. For this purpose, Escandell Vidal's (2005) model of human communication was applied and some of her postulates were adapted to sign languages interpreting, complementing them with additional references from different areas. The aim of this document is to serve as a guide for students, professionals, and trainers of LSE interpreting and, consequently, to have an impact on the lives of deaf people.</p> Rayco H. González-Montesino Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 87 97 10.5209/estr.91853 The Rhetorical Construction of George Castriota, Athleta Christi, from the 15th Century to the Present Day: Some Reflections <p>The purpose of this work is to analyse, on the one hand, how the rhetorical construction of the heroic-religious image of Jorge Castriota (Gjergj Kastrioti), an <em>Athleta Christi</em>, was made from the <em>Historia de vita et gestis Scanderbegi Epirotarum Principis</em> (1508-1510 ) by Marin Barleti, and, on the other, how it has been remodeled until today.</p> Antonio Contreras Martín Xavier Baró Queralt Copyright (c) 2024 Estudios de Traducción 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 14 99 108 10.5209/estr.91692