Of interest

Teknokultura alcanza posiciones destacadas en Dialnet y FECYT, y mantiene el Sello de Buenas Prácticas Editoriales en Igualdad de Género

En Teknokultura estamos orgullosos/as de anunciar que hemos logrado avances importantes en la indexación y en el reconocimiento de nuestras prácticas editoriales. Gracias al esfuerzo de nuestro equipo editorial, revisores/as y lectoras/es, hemos conseguido:

  • Q1 en Dialnet Métricas (Sociología; Comunicación) 
  • Q2 en el Ranking FECYT (Ciencias Políticas y Sociología)

Además, hemos recibido el Sello de Buenas Prácticas Editoriales en Igualdad de Género, un reconocimiento que refleja nuestro compromiso con la equidad y la diversidad. Este sello premia a las revistas que:

  • Mantienen un equilibrio de género en los equipos editoriales y de revisión.
  • Visibilizan a las autoras en los listados de referencias.
  • Cuidan el uso de lenguaje inclusivo.
  • Consideran la variable de género en sus investigaciones.

Adjuntamos una infografía que resume estos y otros logros recientes de la revista. Agradecemos a toda la comunidad que apoya y confía en Teknokultura, y seguimos trabajando para mantener estos altos estándares.

El equipo editorial 

Teknokultura’s Statement in Support of Academic BDS and Against the Genocide in Palestine

As a journal committed to critical thinking and social justice, Teknokultura stands in solidarity with the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israeli academic institutions. These universities are not neutral spaces of knowledge; they are key pillars of apartheid, settler colonialism, and the genocide Israel is waging against the Palestinian people. Their deep entanglement with the Israeli state’s military and political apparatus has been extensively documented, revealing their role in legitimizing and perpetuating occupation and systemic oppression. In line with the call from Palestinian organizations, Teknokultura 

commits to refusing publication, peer review, arbitration, or advisory roles for submissions affiliated with Israeli universities.  We will not accept submissions from authors who list an Israeli university as their institutional affiliation. The only exceptions will be works associated with Israeli institutions that explicitly advocate for human rights and oppose the occupation of Palestinian territories—such as B’Tselem (a human rights organization) or The Refuser Network (a radical anti-occupation collective)—or those signed solely with the authors' names, omitting any mention of an Israeli university. Likewise, we will not request peer reviews or any form of academic engagement from researchers affiliated with Israeli academic institutions. Teknokultura reaffirms its commitment to producing knowledge that does not serve as a tool of genocide. We refuse to remain indifferent or to normalize violence. We call on the academic community to take a principled stance, to challenge the structures of knowledge production that sustain occupation and oppression, and to join the BDS movement as a concrete act of solidarity and resistance.

Editorial Board, Teknokultura

Current Issue

					View Vol. 22 No. 1 (2025): Art, design and digital culture
Vol. 22 No. 1 (2025): Art, design and digital culture
Published: 2025-01-13


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Grupo de Investigación Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales. Cibersomosaguas


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