Perspectives and contributions from translation between Romance languages

  • Francisco Javier Calvo del Olmo Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil
Keywords: Romance languages, interdisciplinary, Intra-Romance-group translation.


This paper aims to describe an interdisciplinary area between Translation Studies and Romance linguistics and philology, an interface in the area-restricted theories of the map of Holmes (1972/1988/2000). To this purpose, first we present the Romania as multidimensional space, where different Romance languages are spoken, and we formulate a proposal of Intra-Romance-group translation. Then we analyze linguistic, literary, cultural and historical components that mark the process of translation between, to and from languages of that group. We evaluate the possibilities and limits of such a proposal and, finally, we offer potential research lines open for future studies.


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How to Cite
Calvo del Olmo F. J. (2015). Perspectives and contributions from translation between Romance languages. Estudios de Traducción, 5, 27-42.