The Difficulties of Metrics in the Translation of the poetic Text. Hernando de Hozes’s translation of Petrarch’s "Triumphi": Addition and Omission

  • Alicia María López Márquez Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Keywords: 16th-century, translation, metrics, Petrarch, translation techniques, addition, omission.


Verse translations of texts written in Italian by Petrarch began at the beginning of the 16th-century. The first work translated was not his famous Canzoniere but his second book entitled Triumphi. The publication of these translations also helped to support new forms of writing and poetics which were being imported from Italy, which ultimately resulted in Petrarchism. This article analyzes the last classic translation of Triumphi, and its innovative nature which consisted on respecting the original metrics and rhythm. The research focuses on two techniques, addition and omission, used by the translator to overcome the difficulties in the metrics.


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How to Cite
López Márquez A. M. (2014). The Difficulties of Metrics in the Translation of the poetic Text. Hernando de Hozes’s translation of Petrarch’s "Triumphi": Addition and Omission. Estudios de Traducción, 4, 9-20.