Literature and translated literature: Between social commitment and aesthetic (re)creation

  • Juan Antonio Albaladejo Martínez Universidad de Alicante
Keywords: Literature and social commitment, aesthetic creation and recreation, translation, linguistic marking


The article analyses the apparent dilemma between social commitment and aesthetic (re)creation that characterizes both the novel Puerto Limón, written by the Costa Rican Joaquín Gutiérrez, as well as its German translation. The study shows how the author and the translator have tried in their own specific way to reconcile the intended social commitment with the aesthetics of literature. The analysis of the novel and the contrast with the translation reflect the procedures that the author and the translator have used in order to overcome the potential conflict between these two purposes.


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How to Cite
Albaladejo Martínez J. A. (2011). Literature and translated literature: Between social commitment and aesthetic (re)creation. Estudios de Traducción, 1, 73-84.