Electoral polls and mass media: The point of view of the experts in public opinion research

  • María Lourdes Vinuesa Tejero Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Elena Fernández Martín Centro Universitario Villanueva y CES Don Bosco (centros adscritos a la Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Keywords: Electoral polls, public opinion, mass media and social perception


This article is the result of a research whose main aim is to analyze the causes of a negative social perception about electoral polls in order to contemplate some solutions or alternative options. According to this, our objective is focused on recognizing what is the real source of a negative public opinion about electoral surveys and proposing some course of action in the interest of improving this social perception. In this way, we have interviewed some expert people who work on opinion surveys like professors, researches, journalists and politicians. Having reached this point, we used some methods of analysis the information based on the content and speech critique in order to respond our key question: How to improve the negative social perception of electoral polls?


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How to Cite
Vinuesa Tejero M. L. y Fernández Martín E. (2014). Electoral polls and mass media: The point of view of the experts in public opinion research. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 20(1), 567-584. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ESMP.2014.v20.n1.45249
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