Formal and informal music learning profiles in higher education

Keywords: Informal music learning, popular music, play by ear, music improvisation, music learning strategies


The aim of this study was to examine the motivational profiles of university students in relation to the use of formal and informal musical learning strategies, and to analyze their training trajectories and how they influenced their preferences and musical activities they perform inside and outside of school. A total of 132 undergraduate music students from two Mexican universities participated in this study. Participants were classified into three groups according to their previous musical experiences and training: formal, informal, and mixed. Based on Eccles et al.’s Expectancy-Value Theory, a scale was adapted to examine students’ motivation to use formal (music reading, strict score-based interpretation, solo practice by playing alone) and informal learning strategies (playing by ear, improvisation, playing with others). Their motivational profiles suggest statistically significant differences among groups in their perception towards various learning strategies: playing by ear, improvising, and playing in groups were favored by informal and mixed groups, while the formal group favored strategies such as music reading and score-based performance. Perceptions of difficulty about these tasks were also different among groups. These results suggest the need of including a wider range of learning strategies and musical genres within formal higher education that meet students’ needs and interests.


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Author Biographies

Rubén de Jesús Carrillo Méndez, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua

Actualmente estudia el Doctora en Educación, Artes y Humanidades en la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. Es maestro en Innovación Educativa (2019) y Licenciado en Música opción Educación Musical (2015) en la especialización de guitarra jazz obteniendo ambos títulos en la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. Ha trabajado como músico profesional desde 2008, participando como guitarrista en diversas agrupaciones, así también como compositor y arreglista para diversos eventos y festivales. Además, ha participado como director musical de diversos proyectos de guitarra rock y música de videojuegos. Se ha desempeñado como docente de música desde 2008 hasta el presente, tanto como maestro particular, fundador y director en academias privadas y maestro en instituciones

de educación media.

Patricia Adelaida González-Moreno, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua

Profesora e investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, México. Pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI Nivel 1, CONACYT). Imparte cursos de educación musical y psicología educativa en nivel licenciatura y posgrado, así como seminarios en las áreas de psicología musical y metodologías de investigación. Pertenece a diversos comités editoriales de revistas internacionales en educación musical. De 2012 a 2016, fue miembro del Comité Directivo de la Sociedad Internacional de Educación Musical (ISME). De 2018 a 2020 co-preside el Seminario de Investigación de ISME (Finlandia, 2020).

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How to Cite
Carrillo Méndez R. d. J. y González-Moreno P. A. (2021). Formal and informal music learning profiles in higher education. Revista Electrónica Complutense de Investigación en Educación Musical - RECIEM, 18, 139-165.