How do our professors teach playing musical instruments? Situation of effective practice strategies teaching in six music schools in Mexico

  • Raúl Wenceslao Capistrán Gracia Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Departamento de Música
Keywords: Effective practice, self-regulation, metacognition, monitoring of practice, professional formation.


This article presents the results of an exploratory study that aimed to determine the level of teaching of effective practice strategies by 84 instrument teachers in six university music schools in Mexico. Through the survey technique, teachers answered a questionnaire that included contextual questions as well as questions with Likert scales and multiple choice answers to identify some aspects related to their teaching, such as their level of commitment to teach effective practice strategies, the way they monitored the practice of their students, the level of satisfaction with their performance, their opinion concerning what resources would improve the teaching-learning process, the way they kept updated, as well as their teaching philosophy. The data were captured and analyzed with the help of the software Statistics Package for the Social Sciences, IBM SPSS 2.0. The results suggested surveyed teachers have a high level of commitment with their profession. However, some weaknesses were identified such as: deficiencies in teaching strategies in the dimension of control of execution and self-evaluation of practice, lack of effective monitoring of their students´ practice, as well as lack of interest to support their practicum on research results. In addition, results suggested institutions are not concern on promoting courses on pedagogy of the instrument. Some recommendations are provided in the discussion and conclusion sections.


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Author Biography

Raúl Wenceslao Capistrán Gracia, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Departamento de Música
Pianista, educador e investigador mexicano. Recibió la licenciatura en ejecución pianística en la Escuela Superior de Música y Danza de Monterrey, la maestría en ejecución pianística con distinción en Baylor University y el doctorado en pedagogía pianística en Texas Tech University. Al graduarse recibió el reconocimiento de la Music Teachers National Association como alumno distinguido así como el reconocimiento de la Universidad de Texas Tech como maestro sobresaliente. Recientemente llevó a cabo una estancia de investigación en el Institute of Education de la University College London.
En dos ocasiones (1994 y 2005) ha sido distinguido con becas otorgada por el Programa de Estímulo a la Creación y al Desarrollo Artístico de Tamaulipas para la realización de proyectos de rescate del patrimonio cultural
Su labor como investigador, docente y ejecutante los han llevado a presentarse en buena parte de la República Mexicana, los Estados Unidos, Centro y Sur América y Europa. Su producción incluye libros, capítulos de libro, artículos en revistas arbitradas e indexadas y en revistas de divulgación.
En la actualidad el Dr. Capistrán trabaja como profesor investigador titular de la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes en donde representa el Doctorado Interinstitucional en Arte y Cultura.
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How to Cite
Capistrán Gracia R. W. (2017). How do our professors teach playing musical instruments? Situation of effective practice strategies teaching in six music schools in Mexico. Revista Electrónica Complutense de Investigación en Educación Musical - RECIEM, 14, 213-237.