Estudios de Traducción is committed to promoting equality between men and women, providing visibility to the work carried out by women, and fostering the use of inclusive language in the scientific literature.
More specifically, this will be pursued by means of the following actions:
- The percentage of women and men who make up the Editorial Board and Board of Advisors will maintain a balanced percentage.
- At least forty per cent of all the journal submissions will be reviewed by women.
- The editorial policy of the journal will implement specific recommendations that encourage the use of inclusive language in academic papers. Inclusive language acknowledges diversity, conveys respect to everyone, is sensitive to differences and fosters equal opportunities. Published articles will not contain assumptions about the beliefs or endorsements of the readers, and will not promote any affirmation of superiority regarding race, gender, culture or any other feature. Articles will use a bias-free language that does not reinforce stereotypes.
- The journal will include the full name of the authors in the published contributions.
- In the case of research that is based on sex and gender, authors are strongly recommended to mention whether their conclusions have considered the potential differences of both sexes.