Meta-Television and Sitcom in American Television: Case Study of TV series WandaVision (Schaeffer, 2021)
In the twenty-first century, a new comedy is prominent inside media and academic circles. It is the case of the fiction series produced by Marvel Studios and Walt Disney Company: WandaVision (Shaeffer, 2021). This paper aims to know the audiovisual factors used by the cited television project regarding the meta-television and the representation of sitcom format. A qualitative methodology is applied to review the literature related to and analyse the production, filmmaking, and narrative strategies in the TV series. Findings show an adjustment of each episode to the sitcoms’ parameters along the time, from the 1950s to the present day. In so doing, the narrative uses meta-television tools and Marvel universe storylines. In conclusion, WandaVision changes the classic parameters of the sitcom with an innovative, attractive and interesting production for viewers and scholars.
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