Cuatro´s gamble for independent production

  • Juan Manuel González Aguilar Universidad Internacional de La Rioja


Cuatro represents one of the last generalist channels that emerged before the definitive implementation of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) in 2010. Its programming offered mostly foreing fiction productions, but also a good number of productions from Spanish private companies. This paper analyzes the independent production in Cuatro from its begginings in 2005 to 2015 and assesses the impact of this type of production in the audience. In this way, it will be demostrated the importance and influence of independent production for Cuatro´s programming strategies, beyond the purchase of foreing content. Specifically, the TV genres and contents that helped the channel to have an own indentity.


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How to Cite
González Aguilar J. M. (2020). Cuatro´s gamble for independent production. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 26(2), 571-582.