Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in the News Headline on Newspapers

  • Ramón Camaño Puig Universidad de Valencia
  • Elena Martí Jiménez Universidad de Valencia
Keywords: Headlines, Human Papillomavirus, Vaccine, News


The newspapers deliver texts to public by means of practices and processes among which we will found the news values, defined like criteria in the journalistic routines that enable to editors to decide which histories publish or not. Therefore, we will try to identify from a qualitative point of view, the news values in the headlines of the news published, in different newspapers, since January of 2006, year that was approved the vaccine by the authorities of the American administration (FDA) and May of 2009, months after the episode in which two teenagers experienced seizures after being immunized against HPV. To identify the impact, that headlines, could have had in taking of decisions concerning vaccination.


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How to Cite
Camaño Puig R. y Martí Jiménez E. (2017). Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in the News Headline on Newspapers. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 22(2), 681-693.