Classrooms, Advertising and Television Fiction: an Experience of Innovative Teaching

  • Marta Pacheco Rueda Universidad de Valladolid
Keywords: Innovative teaching, Mad Men, advertising, media literacy, competencies


This paper shows the development and results of an innovative teaching project, conceived to make use of audiovisual texts not only as a pedagogic tool but also as a committed and responsible approach to social reality. The novelty of the proposal is the use of television fiction and, in particular, Mad Men serial, within the framework of university teaching of Advertising, targeting to a critical information management, and to promote the reflection of the students on the advertising phenomenon in the current socioeconomic context.


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How to Cite
Pacheco Rueda M. (2013). Classrooms, Advertising and Television Fiction: an Experience of Innovative Teaching. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 19, 361-369.