Unveiling the Main Frames of Islamophobia: Insights from Spanish Experts through Delphi Research

Palabras clave: Islamofobia, discursos del odio, Delphi, teoría del encuadre


Desde que comenzó la guerra de Gaza el 7 de octubre, ha habido un aumento del prejuicio antiárabe y anti-musulmán en todo el mundo. Este artículo explora la compleja cuestión social de la islamofobia desde la perspectiva del encuadre (framing) y propone un nuevo enfoque metodológico basado en una investigación Delphi con expertos españoles en el campo para comprender mejor las complejidades del rechazo antimusulmán. Tras dos rondas de consultas, los expertos alcanzaron un consenso sobre ciertas cuestiones conceptuales, pero notaron diferencias en los objetivos de la islamofobia. Reconocieron la influencia de la religión, la orientación sexual, el sexo, el color de la piel y el origen étnico en la configuración del discurso anti-musulmán. El estudio también destacó los desafíos a la hora de distinguir entre escenarios conflictivos como género versus raza-etnia, ilegalidad versus crimen, e invasión versus terrorismo. En general, esta investigación arroja luz sobre los matices de la Islamofobia como concepto multidimensional. Además, pretende ofrecer recomendaciones oportunas para mejorar el tratamiento periodístico de este fenómeno, basadas en opiniones de expertos.


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Biografía del autor/a

Rocío Zamora Medina, Universidad de Murcia

Rocío Zamora-Medina (PhD) is an assicuate professor at the University of Murcia (Spain). She has published around 70 refereed journal articles and two dozen book chapters and is co-author of five books in the field of politicals communication and campaigning online. Her research focuses on innovationsin digital campaigns as well as on new scenarios for digital political communication. She has been a visiting fellow overseas and also at more than 20 European universities. 

Pilar Garrido Clemente, Universidad de Murcia

Pilar Garrido Clemente (Phd) is an internationally reowned scholar in the fields of sufism, Islamic teaching and Sufism, history of the Arab world and al-Andalus, Arabic language and its didactics, modern Arabic poetry, Arabic historiography, comparative literature through Arabic poetry, comics and series as a tool for knowledge of the Arab world and Islamophobia. She has published over 100 refereed articles and book chapters, in addition to six books. Garrido has won several intertanional research awards (Unesco, Tiro Fundation...). She has given several speeches,  her global engagemets include scholar and profesional visits to more than 30 countries and has organized and directed multiple international conferences and seminars. He leads several international academic and social intervention projects (FAMA, ECO.).Unesco Elissa Didòn Award, to the female Laureate of the North of the Mediterranean. This Recognition is granted for his “scientific career and his concern for the Arab world and their integration”


Shahira Fahmy (Phd) is an internationally reowned scholar in the fields of visual communication and peace journalism. She has published over 100 refereed journal articles and book chapters, in addition to four books. Fahmy has won several intertanional research awards. She has given several keynote speeches, and her global engagemets include professional visits to more than 30 countries. Fahmy received two Fulbright awards to work with the NATO Strategic Commmunication Center of Excellence in the Baltics and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. 

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Cómo citar
Zamora Medina R., Garrido Clemente P. y Fahmy S. (2024). Unveiling the Main Frames of Islamophobia: Insights from Spanish Experts through Delphi Research. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 30(3), 583-599. https://doi.org/10.5209/emp.96621
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