
Guidelines for Proposed Theme Issues

Theme Issue submissions for the <<Karpeta>> section of the journal Teknokultura: Journal of Digital Culture and Social Movements will be received during the month of March each year. The documents to be presented are:

  • A proposal that includes the name(s) of the editor(s) invited, a title and a summary of the subject matter and the specific focus of the issue (maximum 750 words).
  • A list of at least 5 authors accompanied by their institutional affiliation and a brief description of their knowledge or experience as a researcher on the subject proposed. Each author should attach an abstract, including the article title and summary, with a maximum of 350 words.
  • A list of at least 10 evaluators who will review the papers submitted for the proposed issue. Please provide their affiliation, e-mail, main interests and research areas.

The deadline for sending items shall be four months after the publication of the announcement of the selected proposal. All work must adhere to the editorial standards of the journal, available in the section Guidelines for authors. It is recommended you check on the website of Teknokultura for the Karpeta section criteria.
The Editorial Board will consider the following elements in the selection process:

  • Affinity of the proposal with Teknokultura.
  • Internal consistency around the main theme.
  • Ability to engage Authors and/or research groups at national and international levels who specialize in the topics addressed.
  • A plan to reach out to networks and media in calling for papers and publicizing the issue.
  • The coordinator (or coordinators) understanding of the internal editorial process established in Teknokultura available at

In addition to the functions and tasks detailed in the internal editorial process, the coordinator (or coordinators), and any invited editor(s) will be in charge of the following activities and functions:

  • Drafting and dissemination of the Call for papers in networks and media
  • Editorial writing with the Editorial Team of Teknokultura.
  • Assist in the dissemination of articles published in the Karpeta section.

There is one month to respond to the proposals to coordinate a theme issue. Since it is not a contest, the Editorial Team of the journal can choose to leave the position unfilled. Also, in case of disagreement or difference of opinion on some aspect or content of the theme issue, the Journal, represented by its Editorial Team, will take precedence over guest editors.

For more information write to or