Technological singularity and transhumanism

Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI), Industry 4.0, NBIC


The technological innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution have facilitated the formulation of strategies to transcend human limitations; strategies that are widely supported by the transhumanist philosophy. The purpose of this article is to explain the relationship between ‘transhumanism’ and ‘technological singularity’, to which end the Fourth Industrial Revolution and transhumanism are also briefly covered. Subsequently, the three main models of technological singularity are evaluated and a definition of this futuristic concept is offered. Finally, the author provides a reflection on the relationship between technological singularity and the transhumanist philosophy, and concludes that they are not synonymous, but rather that the former is an eventuality that will allow the latter.


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Author Biography

Piero Arturo Gayozzo Huamanchumo, Sociedad Secular Humanista del Perú

Coordinador General de la Sociedad Secular Humanista del Perú (SSH). Fundador y Sub-Director del think tank de la SSH Instituto de Extrapolítica y Transhumanismo (IET). Miembro de la Asociación Peruana de Periodistas y Comunicadores de la Ciencia APCIENCIA. Fundador y Editor Jefe de la revista Futuro Hoy. Redactor de la revista de divulgación científica N+1. Administrador del Proyecto Foro de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial. Comunicador y divulgador de ciencia y filosofía con estudios en ingeniería industrial de la Universidad de Lima.

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How to Cite
Gayozzo Huamanchumo P. A. (2021). Technological singularity and transhumanism. Teknokultura. Journal of Digital Culture and Social Movements, 18(2), 195-200.