Possibilities of Music Preferences Measures in younger school age children

  • Kusý Peter a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:94:"Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Education, Trnava University in Trnava, Slovakia";}
  • Renáta Escuela primaria en Pata, Eslovaquia
Keywords: music preferences, younger school age, Music preference questionnaire for younger school age pupils, MPQ-YP.


The musical-preference framework of a child at younger school age is gradually formed and shaped. The study outlined the possibilities of measuring musical taste at a younger school age and draws attention to the real specifics that this entails. We verified the newly created instrument - Musical Preference Questionnaire of Younger Pupils - MPQ-YP on 84 pupils (n=84) aged from 6 to 10 years (Mage=8.23). The 3-factor solution, which divides MPQ-YP into 3 categories of music genres - reflective and unconventional music; energetic and rhythmic music; optimistic and complex music, turned aout to be satisfactory. Psychometric properties are adequate, MPQ-YP seems to be sufficiently valid (construct and content validity) and reliable (measure of internal consistency and split-half reliability). Pilot descriptive results of younger schoolchildren's musical taste provide information about recognized musical genres and their preferences. The findings can be applied to the practice of music educators, music philetics and music therapists.


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How to Cite
Peter K. y Vindišová R. (2024). Possibilities of Music Preferences Measures in younger school age children. Revista Electrónica Complutense de Investigación en Educación Musical - RECIEM, 21, 3-24. https://doi.org/10.5209/reciem.92121