Efficacy of music therapy in psychological well-being and quality of life in severely physically and organically disabled patients

Keywords: music therapy, severe physical and organic disability, psychological well-being, quality of life, autonomy, interpersonal relationships


Music therapy is the use of music to improve the physical, emotional, social, cognitive and psychological well-being. The current research, based on a mixed quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test with a single group, aims to determine the effects of music therapy in patients with severe physical and organic disabilities. The needs of these patients are both physical, psychological, social and spiritual, and can be addressed from the field of music therapy, since music used for therapeutic purposes can satisfy them. The results show that its application it turns out to be effective as a non-pharmacological option in better self-acceptance of your situation, more positive relationships with your peers in the intervention group, and those around them, greater personal growth, a better life purpose and, therefore, a better perceived quality of life. This is in line with research carried out in countless contexts and by interdisciplinary teams.


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Author Biographies

Jaime Carrasco García, University of Cordoba

Profesor de Contrabajo del C.S.M. "Rafael Orozco" de Córdoba 

Psicólogo y Musicoterapeuta (Técnico Modelo Benenzon)

Ignacio González López, University of Cordoba

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Departamento de Educación

Área de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación

Avda. San Alberto Magno, s/n - 14071 Córdoba (España)

Ana Belén Cañizares Sevilla, University of Cordoba

Área de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical

Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Experimentales (Reestructurado)

C/ San Alberto Magno s/nº. 14071. Córdoba (España) 

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How to Cite
Carrasco García J., González López I. y Cañizares Sevilla A. B. (2021). Efficacy of music therapy in psychological well-being and quality of life in severely physically and organically disabled patients. Revista Electrónica Complutense de Investigación en Educación Musical - RECIEM, 18, 195-215. https://doi.org/10.5209/reciem.70347