Design, implement and evaluation of a program for learning to play the guitar in the Degree of Early Childhood Education through the use of video tutorials

  • Carlos Rodríguez Lozano Universidad de Murcia
  • Gregorio Vicente Nicolás Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Higher Education, instrumental training, video tutorials, educational innovation programme


The aims of this work has been (1) to design and implement a program for learning to play the guitar in the Degree of Early Childhood Education through the use of video tutorials and (2) explore the perceptions of the students and teachers about that program. Its methodological approach is based on the viewing of video tutorials before and after each of the six sessions of which this program consists. The sample of participants of the study was formed by the students of the last year of the Degree in Early Childhood Education of the University of Murcia (N=167) and two teachers who put this program into practice. For the data collection an ad hoc questionnaire was designed for the students and an interview for the teachers. The results revealed that the participants give a fundamental role to the video tutorials in the learning process developed in this program. Likewise, 75% of students verified that their initial expectations were met and they felt competent to accompany songs with the guitar in the Preschool classroom.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Rodríguez Lozano, Universidad de Murcia

Doctor por la Universidad de Murcia. Diplomado en Magisterio, Titulado Superior en Guitarra clásica. En la actualidad lleva a cabo su labor docente con niños de Educación Primaria. Sus líneas de investigación se articulan en torno a dos ejes: (1) Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) y (2) educación y música.

Gregorio Vicente Nicolás, Universidad de Murcia

Doctor por la Universidad de Murcia con Mención Europea. Licenciado en Musicología, Titulado en Percusión y Diplomado en EGB. En la actualidad es Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Murcia en el Área de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical. Sus líneas de investigación se articulan en torno a dos ejes interrelacionados: (1) música y movimiento y (2) educación y música.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Lozano C. y Vicente Nicolás G. (2019). Design, implement and evaluation of a program for learning to play the guitar in the Degree of Early Childhood Education through the use of video tutorials. Revista Electrónica Complutense de Investigación en Educación Musical - RECIEM, 16, 95-115.