Acceptance and tolerance of sexism among students of Education Sciences, Psychology and Sports Sciences

Keywords: Higher Education, sexism, gender, university, patriarchy, feminism


Inequality between men and women currently continues to be perceived, as reflected in the university context, where different student beliefs regarding sexism are established. The main aim of this research is to analyse the factorial structure of the ASD (Adolescent Sexism Detection) scale applied to a sample of university students. To this end, a quantitative study was carried out using a questionnaire as a tool and applying a Likert scale, following a transversal, descriptive and explanatory design. The sample chosen consisted of a total of 286 university students. Data gathering was carried out by applying the Adolescent Sexism Detection (ASD) scale. The main outcomes reveal significant differences that point to the students’ perception of the abilities that women have that are culturally associated with the female gender, such as sensitivity, pleasing others, putting up with defects, and tolerance. We conclude by identifying a factorial structure consisting of four factors, different from those proposed by the authors of the ASD instrument, who grouped their items around two dimensions of sexism: hostile and benevolent.


Author Biography

Sabina Civila, Universidad de Huelva

Sabina Civila ( ). Graduada por la universidad de Cádiz (España) en publicidad y relaciones públicas en el año 2016 con estancia erasmus en la República Checa en el área de comunicación audiovisual durante el curso 2015/2016. Máster interuniversitario en comunicación estratégica e innovación de la comunicación (Málaga, Huelva, Sevilla y Cádiz) durante el curso 2016/2017. Actualmente, doctorando en la línea de educomunicación y alfabetización mediática en la universidad de Huelva (España).

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How to Cite
García Rojas A. D., Calderón Paz N., Conde Vélez S. y Civila S. (2023). Acceptance and tolerance of sexism among students of Education Sciences, Psychology and Sports Sciences. Revista Complutense de Educación, 34(2), 415-426.