Good practices and opportunities for improving the socio-educational accompaniment of young people in protection during the transition to adult life

Keywords: child welfare, educational strategies, transition to adult life, protection system


Introduction: Youth in protection are emancipated in a context of vulnerability and lack of social support. The socio-educational accompaniment carried out by professional teams is decisive in facilitating relationships and safety spaces. The educational intervention facilitates the achievement of the goals of the transition to adult life. Goals: 1) Analyze socio-educational accompaniment good practices that allow to configure a safe educational place from which adolescents in protection can face the process of transition to adult life. 2) Define lines of improvement in the protection system that facilitate effective strategies consolidation and overcome existing obstacles. Methodology: It is designed a qualitative research organized in three phases according to the grounded theory, through participant observation of cases (N = 6), longitudinal follow-ups (N = 11) and interviews with professionals (N = 7). The youth sample is made up of eleven men and seven women. Seven social educators participate. In phase one notes are taken in a research reporting notebook and in phases two and three a total of 62 interviews are carried out. Results: The results indicate that the practices of the educational teams have provided professional reference spaces that favor a safe setting from which young people can face the strenuous challenges of adult life. There are bureaucratic and organizational conditions of the protection system that hinder the generalization of effective interventions. It is focused the importance of prioritizing accompaniment times in specific places marked by the daily routine. Conclusions: It is concluded that foster care homes should adapt the work’s organization to the socio-educational perspective of professional teams.


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Author Biographies

María Victoria Carrera-Fernández, Universidad de Vigo

Docente en la Universidade de Vigo. Su actividad investigadora se centra en la adolescencia, el  bullying/ciberbullying, la heteronormatividad y la pedagogía crítica y queer. Entre sus últimas publicaciones destacan “‘Me and Us Versus the Others: Troubling the Bullying Phenomenon’" (Youth & Society, 2019), “Patrolling the Boundaries of Gender” (International Journal of  Sexual Health, 2020) y “Troubling Secondary Victimization of Bullying Victims: The Role of Gender and Ethnicity” (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2021).

Xosé Manuel Cid-Fernández, Universidad de Vigo

Profesor titular en la Universidad de Vigo, siendo actualmente decano de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Trabajo Social. Como investigador coordina el programa de doctorado, en el que ha dirigido 15 tesis doctorales. Entre sus obras más recientes destacan:  Adolescencias invisibles. (Andavira Editora. Santiago, 2020) y Socio-educational support deficits in the emancipation of protected youth in Spain” (Child & Youth Care Forum, 2021).

Edgar Correia-Campos, Universidad de Vigo

Actualmente es Vicepresidente de EAPN en Viseu (Portugal). Doctorando en Ciencias de la Educación en la Universidad de Vigo. Postgrado en Psicopatología en Infancia y Adolescencia en el Instituto CRIAP (Porto). Máster en Intervención Psicosocial con Infancia y Juventud en Riesgo Social en el Instituto Politécnico de Viseu.

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How to Cite
Fernández Simo D., Carrera-Fernández M. V., Cid-Fernández X. M. y Correia-Campos E. (2023). Good practices and opportunities for improving the socio-educational accompaniment of young people in protection during the transition to adult life . Revista Complutense de Educación, 34(3), 583-592.