Academic and Professional Taking Decision Profiles in Secondary School Students
Introduction: The success of secondary education student’s transitions depends on their willingness to manage the construction of their careers. The objectives of this research are to identify the profiles of students in Compulsory Secondary Education in the management of their academic-labor decisions, as well as to determine their differences based on academic, family and vocational characteristics. Method: The participants were 2187 students in the 10th and 11th compulsory secondary education grades. Data were obtained by means of the Academic and Labour Guidance Questionnaire. Latent profile analysis was used to identify patterns in the management of academic-labor decision making. Results: The students show four profiles in the management of their academic-labor decisions: Dependent, Indifferent, Standard, and Proactive. Proactive students perceive more family support, have more confidence in their ability to make decisions, are more inclined to study, obtain higher grades, and are clearer about their academic and work options. Discussion: Our results suggest the need to identify students with poor self-management decision-making skills. Counseling should empower these students to manage their decisions effectively. Providing information is not enough for all students to take on decision management, given their different profiles.
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