How does the educational system respond to students with ASD?: A qualitative study of ordinary, special and preferred contexts

Keywords: educational response, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), school modalities, inclusive education, special education


The Spanish educational system is in a period of change that began years ago and is oriented towards an education that guarantees equity and inclusion. Offering each student what their individual characteristics demand has been established as the main element of 21st century education after the recent implementation of the LOMLOE law. However, the educational response to students with educational needs is diverse and some types of schooling deviate from this principle. With regard to students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Autonomous Community of Aragon, various types of schooling coexist: ordinary schools, special education schools and preferential attention schools. In order to analyze the inclusion of ASD students in the Aragonese educational system, this study has been carried out based on a qualitative methodology that analyzes and compares the perceptions of 19 teachers with different professional profiles in the different school modalities and the experiences of 7 professionals of education dedicated to management, teacher training and program leadership. The most relevant results reveal manifestly different attitudes, experiences and perceptions on the part of teachers regarding the inclusion of students with ASD depending on the school context in which they carry out their profession. The most relevant finding refers to the need for a general restructuring of the educational system at an organizational and methodological level, as well as updating inclusion training for all teachers regardless of their specialty.


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How to Cite
Latorre Cosculluela C., Flores-Santolaria M., Vázquez-Toledo S. y Liesa-Orús M. (2023). How does the educational system respond to students with ASD?: A qualitative study of ordinary, special and preferred contexts . Revista Complutense de Educación, 34(2), 437-447.