The intellectual, moral and political education of Gilbert Keith Chesterton's thought

Keywords: critical thinking, ethical instruction, citizenship education, catholic, theory of education


The importance of Chesterton is fundamental for English Catholicism, which has caused his work to have been studied in various fields, among which educational theory is not counted. Consequently, the objective of this article is to study the fundamental areas of an educational theory that can be analyzed as properly Chestertonian. For this, a hermeneutical methodology is used that 1) analyzes the human dimensions that are likely to be educated as they appear in the thought of the English journalist to achieve 2) establish properly Chestertonian guidelines regarding intellectual, moral and political education. In the end, the reconstruction of a historically significant thought is achieved, the contribution of argumentative nuclei that can contribute to developing current educational theories related to liberal education and religious education.


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Author Biography

David Luque Mengíbar, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

David Luque (Madrid, 1984) es doctor en Pedagogía por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid -institución a la que sigue vinculado porque pertenece al grupo de Investigación “Cultura cívica y políticas educativas”. Actualmente, ejerce su docencia en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. En reconocimiento a su carrera académica ha sido galardonado con los Premios Extraordinarios de Licenciatura y de Doctorado, el Premio Complutense de Humanidades y el Primer Premio Nacional de Excelencia Académica.

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How to Cite
Luque Mengíbar D. (2023). The intellectual, moral and political education of Gilbert Keith Chesterton’s thought. Revista Complutense de Educación, 34(1), 1-9.