Students with functional diversity at the university: needs and difficulties

Keywords: university, integration, equal opportunity, university studies


Introduction. The aim of this research is to find out what are the needs and difficulties that students with functional diversity present at the university. Method. A questionnaire was used for data collection. Seventy-three students with functional diversity who are studying at a Spanish public university participated. Results. The results obtained indicate that this group presents difficulties in following the explanations of the professors, doing the practicals and/or exams. Likewise, a significant percentage considers that the teaching staff should receive training to know how to deal with diversity and that the educational measures implemented by the institution do not respond to their needs. Conclusion. In conclusion, we can affirm that it is necessary to eliminate architectural barriers and establish teacher training programs to improve attention to diversity, since not doing so will contribute to generating barriers that prevent inclusion, by not guaranteeing equal opportunities.


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Author Biography

Mª Emma Mayo Pais, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Mª Emma Mayo Pais. Dra. en Psicología por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC). Máster en Orientación educativa e intervención psicosocial en la discapacidad (IVCH). En su trayectoria profesional confluyen la experiencia docente e investigadora (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela y Universidad Internacional de la Rioja -UNIR-) y el trabajo asistencial como psicóloga en un gabinete privado. Autora y coautora de diversas publicaciones relacionadas con el ámbito de la discapacidad y/o la integración educativa.

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How to Cite
Mayo Pais M. E. (2021). Students with functional diversity at the university: needs and difficulties. Revista Complutense de Educación, 33(1), 141-151.