Benefits in the distribution of evaluation of teaching web questionnaires through SMS messaging in the university context: participation rates, investment of time when completing the questionnaire and data collection periods

  • Luis Matosas-López Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Beatriz García-Sánchez Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Keywords: Teacher appraisal, formative evaluation, teaching quality, Smartphone, participation rates


The use of web questionnaires in student evaluation of teaching (SET) has important advantages, covering: a reduction in the costs of management, the flexibility to develop the evaluation remotely, or the possibility to customize the form easily to adapt it to the subject’s requirements. However, although the use of web questionnaires presents substantial benefits, they suffer from several limitations.

The present research analyses the results obtained in the administration of web questionnaires through two different systems in a sample of university students. On the one hand, the questionnaires are administrated through SMS messaging services and, on the other, the questionnaires are administered through student´s Services Portal.

The administration of web questionnaires, through SMS messaging services, overcomes some of the drawbacks presented by conventional administration systems, allowing improvements in three levels: a) participation rates, b) investment of time when completing the questionnaire, c) data collection periods. The administration system described increases participation rates; helps to obtain more accurate evaluations thanks to the growth in the investment of time made by the student; and allows a fast implementation of the educational purpose of the evaluation thanks to an important reduction in the data collection periods.

Additionally, findings underline the disposition of university students to face SET by means of mobile devices or Smartphones.


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Author Biographies

Luis Matosas-López, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Profesor del Departamento de Economía Financiera, Contabilidad e Idioma Moderno, dentro del área de Informática Aplicada a las Ciencias Sociales en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

Sus trabajos de investigación se centran en: la aplicabilidad de las TIC en la educación universitaria por un lado y el análisis de la calidad docente por otro. Sobre ambos temas ha publicado distintos capítulos de libro y artículos científicos, realizando también múltiples comunicaciones en congresos nacionales e internacionales.

En la actualidad es también miembro del grupo de investigación CIBERIMAGINARIO ( de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y colaborador externo de los grupos DIMTE de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y EDUTOOLS de la Universidad de León.

Beatriz García-Sánchez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Profesora a tiempo completo del Departamento de Economía Financiera, Contabilidad e Idioma Moderno, dentro del área de Informática Aplicada a las Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
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How to Cite
Matosas-López L. y García-Sánchez B. (2019). Benefits in the distribution of evaluation of teaching web questionnaires through SMS messaging in the university context: participation rates, investment of time when completing the questionnaire and data collection periods. Revista Complutense de Educación, 30(3), 831-845.