Moodle and Facebook as virtual learning teaching tools of mediation: the opinion of teachers and university students

  • Manuel Delgado-García Facultad de Educación (Universidad de Sevilla)
  • Francisco Javier García-Prieto Facultad de Educación (Universidad de Huelva)
  • Inmaculada Gómez Hurtado Facultad de Educación (Universidad de Huelva)
Keywords: Educational technology, e learning, social networks, higher education, educational resources.


Introduction of tools as virtual platforms or social network to the university means a new construction of learning-teaching process. This research analyzes the educational and didactic utility of Moodle platform and Facebook to identify its potentialities and controversies. It is presented a descriptive and interpretative study which combines qualitative and quantitative design, in order to know the opinion of the professors and students in degrees in the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Huelva (Spain). The results stress the importance of the previous training, the positive assessment of its didactic use, the increase of the collaboration due to its accessibility. In conclusion, the information we collected shows the relevance of using these tools in student learning and as the need for a change in both as much educational structures and teaching training in order to improve the quality of the teaching.


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Author Biographies

Manuel Delgado-García, Facultad de Educación (Universidad de Sevilla)
Doctor y Profesor Sustituto Interino en el Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación y Pedagogía Social de la Universidad de Sevilla.
Francisco Javier García-Prieto, Facultad de Educación (Universidad de Huelva)
Doctor y Docente e Investigador postdoctoral en el área de Didáctica y Organización Escolar del Departamento de Educación de la Universidad de Huelva.
Inmaculada Gómez Hurtado, Facultad de Educación (Universidad de Huelva)
Profesora Ayudante Doctora en el área de Didáctica de las Ciencias sociales del Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias y Filosofía de la Universidad de Huelva.
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How to Cite
Delgado-García M., García-Prieto F. J. y Gómez Hurtado I. (2017). Moodle and Facebook as virtual learning teaching tools of mediation: the opinion of teachers and university students. Revista Complutense de Educación, 29(3), 807-827.