Analysis and valuation of the implementation of quality management systems ISO 9001 and its impact on schools

  • Jorge Antonio Arribas Díaz Fundación Escuelas Profesionales de la Sagrada Familia
  • Catalina Martínez-Mediano Profesora titular de universidad. Departamento: Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación. (Mide I) de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Keywords: Quality of education, ISO, total quality management, quality management systems’ impact


INTRODUCTION. The main objective of this research is to analyze and evaluate the Quality Management System (QMS), based on the ISO 9001 Standard, incorporated in 26 educational centers belong to the foundation Escuelas Profesionales de la Sagrada Familia (SAFA), based on the evaluations of its users, the results achieved in the organization and the training of its students. METHOD. Using the mixed-methods methodology proper of the evaluative research, information has been collected through several techniques as questionnaire, observation, interview and analysis of documentation (reports of audits and non-conformities), and students’ achievement. Questionnaires meet the technical requirements of expert validation, Cronbach Alpha reliability and Exploratory Factor Analysis. RESULTS. The descriptive and discriminant analyses on the data collected show correlations between the implementation of the QMS ISO in schools and the improvement in their organization and school results. It can be said that the centers in which their teachers consider that the GSC brings improvements to the school organization and in the results achieved, are centers with higher level in certain educational outcomes. DISCUSSION. ISO 9001 and its QMS, properly adapted to educational context, get immediate and long term results, contributing to educational improvement, and providing value added to schools. These results make ISO 9001’s QMS sustainable for the studied institution and advisable for other educational organizations.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Antonio Arribas Díaz, Fundación Escuelas Profesionales de la Sagrada Familia
Maestro por la Universidad de Jaén, Licenciado en Antropología social y cultural por la Universidad de Sevilla y Doctor en Educación por la UNED. Ha sido gestor de la calidad, auditor interno y formador sobre calidad, además de maestro, en la Fundación SAFA en Andalucía.
Catalina Martínez-Mediano, Profesora titular de universidad. Departamento: Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación. (Mide I) de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

Doctora por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, con premio extraordinario. Profesora Titular. UNED. Sus intereses son la Investigación Evaluativa y la Evaluación de Programas, los modelos de Calidad aplicados a la Educación, el aprendizaje en línea y el desarrollo de competencias para el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. En 2011 disfrutó de la beca Salvador de Madariaga del MEC España. Investigadora principal en  5 proyectos competitivos europeos.

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How to Cite
Arribas Díaz J. A. y Martínez-Mediano C. (2017). Analysis and valuation of the implementation of quality management systems ISO 9001 and its impact on schools. Revista Complutense de Educación, 28(4), 1137-1154.