Femvertising, gender equality and the effect of the third person on female workers in Gamarra

Keywords: femvertising, women's empowerment, third-person effect, gender equality, gender stereotypes


This study analyzes femvertising, the recent advertising strategy that issues messages of women empowerment and gender equality, and its relationship between third-person effect, which indicates that people tend to perceive others (they) as more influenced by the media than themselves (me). A qualitative methodology was adopted to analyzed the BCP campaign called «#NoMeDigasFelizDía» launched on International Women's Day (2019). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 women workers from the Gamarra (Peru) emporium between 25 and 52 years. Femvertising helps develop gender equality in the women of the textile commercial empire of Gamarra through pro-female messages, which show forms of women's empowerment, removing traditional gender roles and stereotypes, but it is not necessarily given by the third-person effect.


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How to Cite
Ruiz-Sánchez K.-L. y Gallardo-Echenique E. (2020). Femvertising, gender equality and the effect of the third person on female workers in Gamarra. Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias, 14(1), 43-52. https://doi.org/10.5209/pepu.68713