A rule and three coats of paint

  • Javier González Solas Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Art, public space, advertising, aesthetics, daily life


The title of the discussion-table presents four concepts that can not be defined a priori, neither in theaccademic nor in the popular environments. From its definition it will come the perspective of theanalysis and the appreciation of the facts. It cannot either by seated a natural, ingenuous,nonconflicting and nonideological integration of the same. Once determined the semantic field in thatthose terms will be understood, and that will work as theoretical frame. four examples will be exposed,in which the concepts of art, advertising, public space and daily life interact or integrate indifferent ways, generating different patterns of comprehension and action. The proposed cases will bethe Puerta de Atocha design competition (Madrid), the city of São Paulo, the «Barrio España» ofValladolid, the downtown of Oviedo and the favela Dona Marta of Rio do Janeiro.


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How to Cite
González Solas J. (2012). A rule and three coats of paint. Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias, 6, 23-39. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_PEPU.2012.v6.40634