Advertising in politics, politics in advertising

  • Francesco Screti Universidade da Coruña
Keywords: propaganda, political propaganda, political advertising, advertising, commercial propaganda, commercial advertising


In this paper I will analyze six cases of mix between politics and advertising. In the first three examples three political subjects (Zapatero, ABC, Partido Comunista Italiano) employs advertising in their political discourse in order to achieve their social and discursive ends. In the last three examples, three commercial subjects (Quilmes, Axe, M&M’s) employs politics in their commercial discourse in order to achieve their social and discursive ends. Through the analysis of these six cases, I will show that, even if reciprocal borrowings exist between these two semiotic and social domains, the relation between Politics and Advertising is not symmetrical. Actually the advertising discourse phagocytes political discourse (as many other ones), banalizing it.


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How to Cite
Screti F. (2012). Advertising in politics, politics in advertising. Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias, 6(1), 35-61.