Research evaluation policy

All research articles published in this journal will undergo a rigorous review according to the "peer-review" and "double blind" system, based on the initial selection by the editor/s, the anonymous arbitrage by reviewers/ experts and independent ones and the subsequent review by the authors when required.

The editorial team will allocate the article to at least two experts who will review the article and make recommendations for improving it. They will also make a decision on whether to accept or reject it. For final publication both must make a positive assessment. In the event one of the reviewers does not, it will be reviewed by a third expert. The final outcome will result in:

  • acceptance of the manuscript without any changes.
  • acceptance of the manuscript with minor changes which do not entail a new round of reviewing.
  • the need to make significant corrections in the manuscript which implies subjecting the article to a new round of peer-reviewing.
  • the publication rejects the article.

The reviewing process will be performed blindly so that the experts will not know who the author is and the author will not know who has reviewed their articles. The reviewers have a timeframe of 7 days to confirm whether to carry out the review proposed or not and 20 days to make an evaluation in the event of doing so. 

The time between reception and the first evaluation is estimated to be around 4 months. Once the reports from the evaluators are ready they will be sent to the authors to inform them about this. In the event suggestions for minor changes are made, they must be carried out within 20 days.