Nuevas vías para el estudio del framing periodístico. La noción de estrategia de encuadre

  • Pablo López Rabadán
Keywords: Framing studies, Press analysis, Framing strategy, Selection and discursive organization, Le Monde diplomatique


After an important development in the two last decades, the studies about the journalistic framing require a greater theoretical and analytic precision yet. In accordance with the main detected tendencies in these studies, this article sets out the notion of framing strategy as a new specialized analysis tool that connects journalistic message and long-term professional organization. From the explanation of its methodological system, this notion is applied initially to the study of a meaningful case within the international press, the monthly newspaper Le Monde diplomatique. As the result of an extensive content analysis in time (1995- 2006), a detailed description of its two main framing professional mechanism is offered, and it is confirmed the proposed notion as a reliable way to work for the study of the selection processes and discursive organization.


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How to Cite
López Rabadán P. . (2010). Nuevas vías para el estudio del framing periodístico. La noción de estrategia de encuadre. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 16, 235-258.