Pandemic Narratives on Facebook: Discursive Strategies for the Seminality of the News

Keywords: News, Narratives, Facebook, Seminality, Deixis


This quantitative research analyzed the narratives of the news posted on the Facebook accounts of the main Chilean media during the beginnings of pandemic. The purpose was to characterize these discursive strategies in relation with the seminality, that is to say, their ability to encourage the users’ participation, reacting, sharing and commenting. With a discourse and frequency analysis, it was possible to determine that traditional journalistic narratives were the most recurrent ones. However, they tended to increase their seminality when the rhetorical, connotative and digital resources were added. Furthermore, the cataphoric deixis was used to motivate the users to review the content of the attached links and it could also be associated with a higher seminality.  These results suggest the importance of promoting the inherent narratives to the digital interfaces, in order to improve the discursive interaction of the users with the news, besides the data delivery.


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Author Biography

María de los Angeles Miranda Bustamante, Universidad de Playa Ancha

Académica de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Playa Ancha. Doctora en Ciencias Sociales mención Comunicación Social por la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Magíster en Literatura de la Universidad de Playa Ancha. Periodista y licenciada en información social en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Especialista en narrativas periodísticas y comunicación digital. Investigadora de la Agencia Nacional de Investigación de Chile (ANID).

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How to Cite
Miranda Bustamante M. d. l. A. (2023). Pandemic Narratives on Facebook: Discursive Strategies for the Seminality of the News. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 29(1), 155-164.
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