Comparative analysis between Canal Sur 2 and the RTP2 of Portugal from the perpective of televisión quality

  • Gabriela Borges Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Nuria Sánchez-Gey Valenzuela Universidad de Sevilla
  • Bruno Mendes Universidad del Algarve
Keywords: RTVA, Canal Sur 2, RTP2, public televisión, media, quality televisión


This article establishes a comparison between the programming of two second public television channels; Canal Sur 2 and the RTP2, which is the second channel of the Portuguese Public Television. With this analysis we intend to demonstrate that there is parallelism between the contents that are broadcast on the second public television channels and that this analogy demonstrates that in both cases the contents with more quality are relegated to the second channels. The objective of this investigation is to make this situation known and to ensure that the competent organizations recover for the first channel the formats that give value to the public television.


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How to Cite
Borges G., Sánchez-Gey Valenzuela N. y Mendes B. (2020). Comparative analysis between Canal Sur 2 and the RTP2 of Portugal from the perpective of televisión quality. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 26(3), 891-901.