Journalistic values in the parliamentary and presidential elections in Cuba during 2018: Rhetorical analysis of the establishment of the ideological polarization strategy in the speeches of Granma and OnCuba

  • Yadán Crecencio Galañena León Empresa Nacional de Investigaciones Aplicadas (INVESCONS)
  • Roxana de la Caridad Soto del Sol Agencia Cubana de Noticias
  • Osdany Meriño González Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión (ICRT)
Keywords: rhetoric, journalistic discourse, journalistic values, ideology, Granma OnCuba, presidential and parliamentary elections, Cuba


This study characterizes, in rhetorical level, the use of journalistic values as a form of ideological expression in the discourses of Granma (digital edition) and OnCuba, on the parliamentary and presidential elections in Cuba, during the week of April 17 to 24, 2018. For this, the theoretical-methodology proposal of Teun van Dijk is assumed for the ideological analysis of journalistic discourse. As a result of the investigation, it is verified that novelty, presupposition, relevance, deviation and negativity, and proximity are the fundamental journalistic values ​​that both media use to legitimize themselves as objectives. Although their editorial policies are ideologically opposed, Granma and OnCuba agree in recognizing the Cuban people as the most valuable member of their corresponding ingroups; rhetorical strategy that allows them to rise as defenders of the Cubans, despite the fact that the members of their respective outgroups are, obviously, ideo-political adversaries.


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Author Biography

Yadán Crecencio Galañena León, Empresa Nacional de Investigaciones Aplicadas (INVESCONS)

Yadán Crecencio Galañena León se graduó de licenciatura en periodismo en la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (UCLV) en el 2013. Desde el 2014 y hasta marzo del 2017 se desempeñó como profesor del Departamento Docente de la Carrera de Periodismo de la UCLV. Actualmente dirige la revista científico-institucional de la Empresa Nacional de Investigaciones Aplicadas (INVESCONS) en Cuba. Sus temas de investigación comprenden la Ética y Deontología del Periodismo, las Ideologías Profesionales de los Periodistas, y el Análisis de los Discursos Periodístico, Científico y Académico.

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How to Cite
Galañena León Y. C., Soto del Sol R. d. l. C. y Meriño González O. (2020). Journalistic values in the parliamentary and presidential elections in Cuba during 2018: Rhetorical analysis of the establishment of the ideological polarization strategy in the speeches of Granma and OnCuba. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 26(3), 939-950.