The bionic journalism: strengths and threats to a profession in change

  • Xosé López García Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
  • Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázquez Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
  • Andrea Valencia Bermúdez Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
Keywords: Cyberjournalism, bionic journalism, current technologies, network society.


Journalism, which finds itself mired in the metamorphosis of the network society, should adopt techniques that allow it to meet the new challenges of complex societies of the third millennium. Although never before have been so many researches on journalism carried out, the application of that scientific knowledge comes too late to the implementation in practice. There is a widespread conviction among media actors that other kind of journalism is possible. Not only is the use of the five senses required, but also the use of bionic devices to enhance professionals´ skills. Bionic journalism is, for now, an immediate future that may offer solutions and anticipate threats.


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How to Cite
López García X., Rodríguez Vázquez A. I. y Valencia Bermúdez A. (2017). The bionic journalism: strengths and threats to a profession in change. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 23(1), 79-89.