Synchrony and diachrony on websites. IBEX35 organizations and their adjustment to Grunig and Hunt´s models of communicative behavior

  • Alejandro Tapia Frade Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
  • Raquel Caerols Mateo Universidad Antonio de Nebrija
Keywords: internet, IBEX35, press room, Grunig, Hunt.


This paper analyzes the exposition of information in websites through the virtual press room, and its possibility of feedback. With the analysis results given, we consider the adjustment to Grunig and Hunt´s communicative behavior business models. The results demonstrates an appropriate management regarding the exposure of information. Although there is information feedback systems, it could be suggested that its management is could be improved, due a limited presence and expressive capability. Consequently, a structural asymmetry between systemic exposure systems (highly developed) and feedback (with a more limited development) should be considered, which generates a synchronous system and fits the behavior model to the bidirectional asymmetric one.


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How to Cite
Tapia Frade A. y Caerols Mateo R. (2015). Synchrony and diachrony on websites. IBEX35 organizations and their adjustment to Grunig and Hunt´s models of communicative behavior. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 21(2), 913-925.