Journalism and literature: Contemporary chronicle in Chile

  • Patricia Poblete Alday Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano (UAHC, Santiago de Chile)
Keywords: Contemporary chronicle, Chilean narrative, Journalism, Literature


During the last decade, the publication of magazines and anthologies of literaryjournalistic chronicles, has been on the sharp increase, which has encouraged quite a few critics to speak of a “new boom in Latin American literature.” In this context, this article takes a panoramic view on the development of this genre in Chile during this century, identifying its main exponents and their relevant characteristics. Along with this, we compare the current journalisticliterary chronicle with the historical precedent chronicle (foundational, manners and modernist), establishing their continuities and ruptures in order to define the specificity of the contemporary chronicle. Finally, we propose criteria for adequate analysis of this ‘new chronic’, considered as basic and generic hybridity both their discipline, as their functionality within contemporary society.


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How to Cite
Poblete Alday P. (2014). Journalism and literature: Contemporary chronicle in Chile. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 20(2), 1165-1176.
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