Analysis of the artistic information in Spanish general print media (Newspapers: "El País", "El Mundo" and "ABC")

  • Violeta Izquierdo Expósito Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: analysis, art, general, print media, Spanish.


Cultural press is firmly rooted as an actual specialization of journalism. It often contains all creative aspects sorted by areas, so the reader can have an easy access to its contents. Although news about art have their own section, they are usually very few and not treated in depth, so readers tend to get weekly supplements or specialized magazines in order to search for information on art. The analysis and study of these contents in the three main Spanish general newspapers (El País, El Mundo and ABC) has allowed us to discover their sensitivity to this subject area, the frequency and intentionality in the selection of subjects, and the way they are addressed.


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How to Cite
Izquierdo Expósito V. (2014). Analysis of the artistic information in Spanish general print media (Newspapers: "El País", "El Mundo" and "ABC"). Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 20(2), 1121-1130.
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