Communicating Science at the University of Granada… Journalism: the Translator as an Expert in Localization

  • Ana Gregorio Cano Universidad de Granada
  • Antonio Marín Ruiz Universidad de Granada
Keywords: Scientific Journalism, Localization, Translator Competence, AlphaGalileo, EurekAlert!


The dissemination of scientific advances is currently an important employment site for journalist and scientific and technical translators. Science produced at educational and research institutions needs to be translated to achieve its goals: both dissemination new knowledge within the international scientific community to explore new research lines and informing society about the new scientific advances from which the general public will benefit to a greater or lesser extent. In this sense, scientific divulgation agencies and localization carried out by translators play a key role in the impact of scientific articles.


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How to Cite
Gregorio Cano A. y Marín Ruiz A. (2012). Communicating Science at the University of Granada… Journalism: the Translator as an Expert in Localization. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 18, 465-474.