The Design of Television Reality in Nature Documentary:"El Hombre y la Tierra. Serie Venezolana" (Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, 1974)

  • José Cabeza San Deogracias Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Salvador Gómez García CES Felipe II - UCM
Keywords: Nature documentary, El Hombre y la Tierra, Scientific documentary, TV program, infotainment, scientific dissemination


This article will analyze both the audiovisual references that affect directly in the conception of documentary serie El Hombre y la Tierra (Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, 1974-1981) and the film editing that have been done in Jaguar scenes along the 18 episodes in the Serie Venezolana. Study, analysis and classification of all predator images will prove the manipulative use of film editing in order to get a amusing and successful tv programme, but also informative. Through these episodes, Rodríguez de la Fuente discovered that reconstruction documentary was the best way to record wild animals life and get a fine and truly audiovisual product with it.


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How to Cite
Cabeza San Deogracias J. y Gómez García S. (2012). The Design of Television Reality in Nature Documentary:"El Hombre y la Tierra. Serie Venezolana" (Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, 1974). Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 18(1), 275-291.