Open peer review. Vol.19 N.1

Surveillance and the redefinition of individuals and reality

Jaseff Raziel Yauri-Miranda


Reviewer A:

Please, comment on the most relevant aspects (positive points and areas to improve) of the reviewed article.

Reviewer A prefered not to show his/her comments.

Would you suggest any changes or make any recommendations to improve the quality of the article?

Reviewer A prefered not to show his/her comments.

Recommendation: Accept.


Reviewer B:

Please, comment on the most relevant aspects (positive points and areas to improve) of the reviewed article.

El artículo propone una visión novedosa de la vigilancia en niveles, pero puede mejorar el apartado de conclusiones que resulta demasiado genérico y vago para las cuestiones que plantea en la argumentación.

Would you suggest any changes or make any recommendations to improve the quality of the article?

Mejorar las conclusiones. Explicar de una forma clara en qué nivel y de qué forma los humanos pueden influir en los algoritmos en la siguiente afirmación: "Despite humans have the capacity to influence algorithms (from their design, retro-alimentation, evaluation), the autonomous decision-making of automated data codes get more influence to establish the criteria, functions, and the semantic results to interpret data". Corregir el nombre del autor en el texto: (Van Dijk, 2014).

Recommendation: Resubmit for revisions


The text included important modifications before publication