Cyberfeminism: from virtual to political

  • Sonia Reverter-Bañon
Keywords: Feminism, identity struggle, performativity, political action, virtual world


This essay is a refection on cyberfeminism and its connection/ disconnection from the feminist agenda. While we fnd more dispersion than union on the cyberfeminist agenda it is still to be seen whether it is counterproductive to feminist praxis or it is an enriching aspect to the new currents of feminism. This paper tries to overcome the dichotomus positioning of the previous decade when measuring the promises of new technologies for the feminist cause, which was aligned with either a utopian discourse or dystopian one. Both dichotomus positions are insufcient today. Against these dualistic positions (highlighting positive or negative the promises of technologies) we propose a cyberfeminist approach of the co-construction of gender and technology. This dialectic of co-generation is in harmony with the performative theory that feminism holds from the 90’s as explanatory theory, for both, the inequality of women and their potential for subversion.


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How to Cite
Reverter-Bañon S. (2013). Cyberfeminism: from virtual to political. Teknokultura. Journal of Digital Culture and Social Movements, 10(2), 451-461.