
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Originality: Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • Submission Anonymization and Data Sheet: Manuscripts will be submitted fully anonymized, following the formal requirements and detailed guidelines provided in the Submission Templates for each section. Additionally, authors are required to upload a file containing the information specified in the Data Sheet. Submissions that do not comply with this formality will be rejected before entering the review process.
  • Proofreading Certificate: Submissions written in a language other than the author's native language must be accompanied by a certificate of editing, revision, and/or translation. The use of online spell checkers or AI applications does not constitute an exemption from this requirement.
  • Submission format: The text format of the articles must be in accordance with the Submission Templates available to the authors. The length will be adjusted to the section to which the submission is made as indicated in Section Policies.
  • Figures, tables, illustrations and graphs: all have been included in their proper place in the text, and not at the end. The original or higher quality versions are provided in the Additional Files section in the open journal system (ojs), which can be accessed during the manuscript submission process.
  • Research data policy: Teknokultura encourages authors to store the data gathered for their research (quantitative and/or qualitative) in repositories of renowned prestige, both field specific as well as generalist. The goal of this policy is to promote scientific development and ensure that research can be validated, reproduced and analyzed by other studies. To achieve this, it is necessary that all data used in studies is available with unrestricted access. In the article evaluation process, the public availability of research data will be considered as an added value. More information and examples of how to make the deposit are available here.
  • Keywords : the document must include a minimum of three and a maximum of five keywords in the same language as the article and in English. Keywords should not include words that are included in the title of the article but should appear in the abstract. The keywords should be arranged in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons. At least three of the keywords must be from the UNESCO Thesaurus
  • Translation of metadata (title, abstract, keywords): meet the quality and correctness requirements of an academic publication. It is recommended that translations be reviewed by competent persons (native or bilingual).
  • Authorship contribution statement: specify the contribution of each author according to the taxonomy of contributions and their headings included in the following table of contributions.
  • Statement on the use of LLM: Before the "Authorship Contribution Statement" section, the following text will be included, as appropriate: "This article has not used any text generated by a LLM (ChatGPT or other) for its writing". Alternatively, "This article has used [tool/s name/s] as a reference or research object in the terms established by APA 7.0." This will be accompanied by a clear and concise declaration [maximum length 75 words] in which the authors provide more details about how the AI tools were used, and the limitations of their use.

Author Guidelines

All submissions sent to Teknokultura. Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales must fulfilled the following conditions:

 -Articles must be written in Spanish or English (we also accept submissions in other languages as long as we have the necessary resources to evaluate and edit the work).

 -Submitted manuscripts must be sent in open format, such as odt or rtf (preferred option), or Word. Submissions templates are available for authors.

 -The submitted article must respect the following formatting standards:

  • Font, Times New Roman; font size and line spacing as indicated in Submissions templates.
  • Notes should be numbered and located at the end of each page, never at the end of the document. Furthermore, to facilitate the reading process it is recommended that the use of notes be kept to a minimum. Notes should never be used for the bibliographic purposes.
  • Each section of the article should be numbered and titled in lowercase and in bold.

Important note: Submitted manuscripts that do not comply with the editing standards will be not be considered.

- Submissions must be anonymized. The text of the article and accompanying notes must be anonymized. All quotations, acknowledgements, and any references that could allude directly or indirectly to the identity of the author/s must be referred to as: (Author, year).

It is also necessary to remove the author’s identity from the properties of the submitted manuscript:

  • In Microsoft Word (Office 2019) documents, go to File > Info> Check for issues > Inspect document > Inspect. Then click ‘remove all’ of the relevant properties listed. It is recommended to double check that the changes have been correctly made. Note: Access to this function might vary according to the Word version you are using.
  • If you are working on a MAC (Office 2019), go to Tools > Protect document > In the dialog window that opens, go to the bottom and click ‘Remove personal information from this file on save’ > click ‘OK’ > Save. Note: Access to this function might vary according to the Word version you are using.
  • In OpenOffice documents go to File > Properties > General tab > unmark ‘Apply user data’ > then click the ‘reset’ button > Save.

Should the article be accepted for publication, the author/s will be required to send a non-anonymized version suitable for publication. 

- To make an online submission, authors must Register a new account or Sign-in with an existing account. Manuscripts submitted by e-mail or any other format will not be accepted.

- Submissions are invited for each of the Journal’s sections (‘Karpeta’, ‘Dis/regarding’, ‘Literature Reviews’, ‘Book Reviews’), specified in the journal’s ‘Section Policies

  • When submitting a manuscript to a standard periodic issue, do not forget to specify the appropriate section for the submission (Karpeta, Dis/regarding, Literature Reviews, Book Reviews), as defined in ‘Section Policies
  • If submitting a manuscript for a thematic issue (or monograph), instead of choosing a section in the ‘Journal Sections’ part of the submission platform, choose the appropriate thematic issue. Subsequently, in the ‘Comments to the editor’ section, please specify the section of the journal that the submission is intended for. 

- During the online submission process it is mandatory to provide the following information (following registration of a new account or signing in): 

  • The metadata for all authors must be provided, including an ORCID identification number, funding sources if applicable, and the list of references (updated in the case of resubmission following review). A short biography, of 75-150 words, must also be provided for all authors. Social media account information (e.g. Twitter handle) can also be included on this page for the purpose of helping with the dissemination of the text following publication. If these social media details are not included, no reference will be made to the author(s) during the dissemination of the manuscript.
  • Mandatory metadata Information: author(s) information and the abstract and keywords in English and at least one of Spanish or Portuguese.
  • All metadata (title, abstract, keywords) must comply with the academic writing standards required for publication in a scientific journal. It is recommended that authors who are not native or bilingual speakers of Spanish, English or Portuguese have their manuscripts and metadata reviewed by someone who is.


Accessing and entering metadata

In the ‘Enter metadata’ tab of the online submission process, you must:

  1. Enter the manuscript title, first in the main language and then in the second language.
  2. Enter the abstract, first in the main language and then in the second language.
  3. Under ‘List of contributors’, you must include all contributing authors and fully complete the metadata for each author, including the corresponding author. To add an author, use the ‘Add Contributor’ button. Once the submission has been sent, it is not possible to modify author details. Please be sure to:
  • For each author (without exception), enter the last name, first name, email, ORCID, affiliation, and a brief biography (maximum 75 words).
  • All contributing authors must have an ORCID number. If an author does not have an ORCID number they can request one here.
  • To edit author details after you have entered them (but before confirming the submission), click on the dropdown arrow to the left of the author’s name.
  • Please double-check all author details before confirming the submission.
  1. Enter the second language (for the additional abstract and keywords) for the submission.
  2. Enter the keywords in the same language as the article and in English (a minimum of three and maximum of five keywords that are not included in the title of the article but do appear in the abstract/abstract). The keywords should be arranged in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons. At least three of the keywords should be taken from the UNESCO Thesaurus
  3. Specify any financial support or funding received from any institution or other organization (public or private).
  4. Apart from including the references at the end of the manuscript they must also be uploaded as metadata. Use the space provided to enter (paste) the list of references (only works cited in the body of the manuscript) formatted according to APA style manual 7th edition, with one exception: authors cited in the main text, at least the first time, they will be named with their first name and surname.

Important note: It is mandatory to complete al metadata (manuscript and author details). Only manuscripts with completed metadata will be considered for review.

- Teknokultura employs anti plagiarism software to guarantee the originality of all published manuscripts. This policy allows the journal to ensure compliance with the journal’s standard of originality by detecting matches and similarities between submitted texts and those previously published in other journals or editorials.


Orthotypographic issues

  1. Bold, italics, upper case or underlining must not be used to highlight or emphasize any part of the submitted manuscript.
  2. Italics should only be used in the following situations: a) to identify words or terms that are distinct from the main language of the text; and b) for book and journal titles. Italics should not be used for direct quotations (these go between double quotation marks) or the names of foreign organizations/institutions.
  3. Specialized or uncommon terms should be placed between single quotations marks (‘), but only the first time that the word is used in the manuscript. For manuscripts in English, direct quotations go between Latin quotation marks («  ») and any internal quotation goes between single quotation marks (‘), for example: The oldest model is known as the ‘dispensation’, traditional or moral model, which is characterized «by a religious justification of disability» (Palacios, 2008, p. 37).
  4. Capitalization is only used for proper nouns (people, places or the names of organizations): the word Internet goes with a capital ‘I’ because it is a proper noun, for example: the use of the Internet is growing amongst older people. However, if used as an adjective, such as referring to service or connection, it is not capitalized, for example: the apartment does not have an internet connection.
  5. Whole numbers (does not include dates and years, currency, etc.) in the body of the text are written in words unless they exceed four terms. For example: I bought five books; my father was eighty-seven last week; there were three hundred and twenty people in the building. Decimal places are written in numbers with a maximum of two decimal places separated by a dot (0.00), for example: 4.38.
  6. Footnotes should be avoided and never include references or html links. Endnotes are not accepted in the journal.
  7. Hyperlinks must not be included in the body of the text, and any fields created by bibliographic manager software (e.g. Mendeley) should be deactivated before uploading the manuscript to the submission platform.
  8. Quotations in the body of the text must follow the APA Style Manual 7th edition (see also above), with one exception: authors cited in the main text, at least the first time, they will be named with their first name and surname.

Individual authors are identified by their last name followed by the year of publication: Mosquera (2008) or (Hine, 2000). If the cited source has two authors, the last names of both authors are included and connected with an ‘and’ or ‘&’, depending on whether the citation is in the body of the text [for example: Postil and Pink (2012)] or a parenthetical citation [for example: (Postil & Pink, 2012)]. If the cited source has three or more authors, use the last name of the first author followed by ‘et al.’: (Gordo et al., 2017). If various sources are cited, the last names of each author or group of authors are separated by a semicolon (;), for example: (Amit, 2002; Ardévol & Gómez-Cruz, 2012; Fresno et al., 2011). If citing distinct authors with the same last name, the initial of each author’s first name is added to differentiate them: (A. Murphy, 2012; P. Murphy, 2015). If citing various works from the same author with the same publication year, the cited works are identified using the letter ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, etc., for example: (Lupton, 2009a, 2009b, 2009c). 

The first time an organization is cited, use its full name in the text body (signal phrase) or the parenthetical citation. If the organization has a familiar abbreviation, include it in the first citation: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas [CSIC] (2017) or (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas [CSIC], 2017). For subsequent citations only use the abbreviation (if one exists): CSIC (2017) or (CSIC, 2017).


For in text citations the Journal follows the APA Style Manual 7th edition, with one exception: authors cited in the main text, at least the first time, they will be named with their first name and surname.

All parenthetical citations (between parentheses when the author is not named in the signal phrase) are located at the end of the sentence or relevant clause with the full stop placed after the closing parenthesis, for example: a recent study proposes a typology of digital health technologies and applications (Lupton, 2014). If the author is named in the signal phrase (text body), the author’s last name is placed at the beginning of the sentence and followed by the publication year in parentheses, without a full stop or comma after the citation, for example: Lupton (2014) has proposed a typology of digital health technologies and applications. 

Direct quotations of less than 40 words are placed between Latin quotation marks with the page number placed after the quotation and preceded by a comma and the letter p with a full stop, for example: «entanglements are highly specific configurations and it is very hard work building apparatuses to study them, in part because they change with each intra-action» (Barad, 2007, p. 74). If the quotation spans more than one page, the page numbers are identified with a double p (pp.), for example: (Barad, 2007, pp. 74-75). If the author’s name is included in the signal phrase, the page numbers are placed after the quoted text: Barad (2007) states that «entanglements are highly specific configurations and it is very hard work building apparatuses to study them, in part because they change with each intra-action» (p. 74). 

Direct quotations of 40 or more words are placed in a separate paragraph (block quotations) that is indented from the left margin by 0.5 cm. Author and page details can be a) placed at the end of the quotation, for example:

Language has been granted too much power. The linguistic turn, the semiotic turn, the interpretative turn, the cultural turn: it seems that at every turn lately every "thing"-even materiality-is turned into a matter of language or some other form of cultural representation (Barad, 2007, p. 132). 

Or b) at the end or within of the signal phrase, while the page number goes at the end of the quotation, for example: 

Taking these circumstances and historical developments into account, Barad (2007) argues that: Language has been granted too much power. The linguistic turn, the semiotic turn, the interpretative turn, the cultural turn: it seems that at every turn lately every "thing"-even materiality-is turned into a matter of language or some other form of cultural representation (p. 132).

In the case of cited material that has no page numbers, as might happen with digital sources, the same criteria, specified above, are applicable with the exception that instead of the page number, the paragraph number or the section heading should be included, for example: Basu and Jones (2013) arrived at the opposite conclusion and suggested the need for a new «intellectual framework to take into account the nature and form of regulation in cyberspace» (para. 4). 

Using indirect sources, for quotations or citations, is not recommend, but if absolutely necessary, they should be formatted as follows: (Bourdieu, 1983, as cited/quoted in Varela, 2014, p. 10).



The complete list of references is placed at the end of the manuscript under the heading ‘References’. References must be formatted according to the APA Style Manual 7th edition, with one exception: in the list of bibliographic references, the first name of the cited author(s) should always appear. When they are cited in the text, at least the first time they will be named with their first name and surname.

  • Only works cited in the manuscript should be included in the reference list and all works cited in the manuscript must be included in the reference list.
  • Works included in the reference list are ordered alphabetically according to the first author’s last name. If various works from the same author are included, they are ordered chronologically according to the publication year (see orthotypographic criteria above).
  • Hyphens should not be used in place of an author’s last name when the same author is included more than once in the reference list.
  • If the cited text (article, chapter, etc.) has a DOI it should be included at the end of the citation entry. If the text has no DOI, a URL can be included, if available: http://URL
  • Please double check that all website addresses, hyperlinks and DOIs are working properly.




Author surname, author first name(s). Book title: Subtitle (in italics) (edition number). Publisher.

Burgess, Rochelle (2019). Rethinking global health: Frameworks of power. Routledge 

First author surname, first author first name(s) & second author surname, second author first name(s)  (year). Title of the book: Subtitle (in italics) (edition number). Publisher.

Grignon, Claude & Passeron, Jean Claude (1992). Lo culto y lo popular. Miserabilismo y populismo en sociología y en literatura. Ediciones La Piqueta. 


Edited book 

Editor surname, editor first name(s) (Ed.) (year). Book title: Subtitle (in italics) (edition number). Publisher. http://DOI

Schmid, Hans-Jörg (Ed.) (2017). Entrenchment and the psychology of language learning: How we reorganize and adapt linguistic knowledge. American Psychological Association; De Gruyter Mouton. 

Pink, Sarah, Horst, Heather, A., Postill, John, Hjorth, Larissa, Lewis, Tania & Tacchi, Jo (Eds.) (2015). Etnografía digital: Principios y práctica. Sage.


Digital book 

Author surname, author first name(s) (year). Book title: Subtitle (in italics) (edition number). Publisher. http://URL or http://DOI

Schmid, Hans-Jörg (Ed.) (2017). Entrenchment and the psychology of language learning: How we reorganize and adapt linguistic knowledge (3rd ed.). American Psychological Association; De Gruyter Mouton. 


Book chapter 

Chapter author surname, chapter author first name(s) (year). Chapter title: Subtitle. In Editor first name (full stop) Editor surname (Ed./Eds./Coord.), Book title: Subtitle (in italics) (edition number, Vol., pp. page range). Publisher.

Stapley, Andrew (2018). Liofilización. In Judith A. Evans (Ed.), Ciencia y tecnología de los alimentos congelados (pp. 305-336). Acribia.

Balsam, Kimberly F., Martell, Christopher R., Jones, Kyle P., Safren & Steven A. (2019). Affirmative cognitive behaviour therapy with sexual and gender minority people. In Pamela A. Hays y Gayle Y. Iwamasa (Eds.), Culturally responsive cognitive behaviour therapy: Practice and supervision (2nd ed., pp. 287-314). American Psychological Association.


Article in an online journal with DOI 

Author surname, author first name(s) (year). Article title: Subtitle. Journal title (in italics), volume of journal (in italics) Issue number of journal in round brackets (no italics), page range of article.

Giraldo-Luque, Santiago, Fernández, Núria & Pérez-Arce, José-Cristian (2018). La centralidad temática de la movilización #NiUnaMenos en Twitter. El Profesional de La Información, 27(1), 96-105.


Article in an online journal without DOI 

Author surname, author first name(s) (year). Article title: Subtitle. Journal title (in italics), volume of journal (in italics) Issue number of journal in round brackets (no italics), page range of article. https://URL

Ahmann, Elizabeth, Tuttle, Lisa Joy, Saviet, Micah & Wright, Sarah D. (2018). A descriptive review of ADHD coaching research: Implications for college students. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 31(1),


Newspaper article 

Author surname, author first name(s) (Date: Year, Month Day in numbers). Article title. Newspaper title (in italics), page number (if available).

Mariscal, Ángeles (2013, February 11). El 'Subcomandante Marcos' explica el uso de la tecnología del EZLN. Expansión, p. 4. 


Online newspaper article 

Author surname, author first name(s) (Date: Year, Month Day in numbers). Article title. Newspaper title (in italics). URL

Mariscal, Ángeles (2013, February 11). El 'Subcomandante Marcos' explica el uso de la tecnología del EZLN. Expansión.


Conference (paper presentation)

Author surname, author first name(s) (Date: Year, Month Day range in numbers). Title of the paper (in italics) [Type of contribution]. Title of conference proceedings (in italics), City, Country. http//:URL

Stucchi, Luciano, Pastor, Juan Manuel, García-Algarra, Javier & Galeano, Javier  (2018, October 18). Generic Model of Population Dynamics [Paper presentation]. FisEs'18, 22nd Conference on Statistical Physics, Madrid, Spain.

García Lupiola, Asier (2010, October 21-22). La empresa familiar ante el proceso de internacionalización: retos, oportunidades y estrategias [Oral communication]. 12th Conference on Economics of Castilla and León, Valladolid, Spain.


Conference proceedings

Author surname, author first name(s) (year). Paper title. In Editor/Coordinator first name and surname (Ed./Eds./Coord.), Title of the Conference Proceedings (in italics) (pp. page range). Editorial. http://URL or http://DOI

Rahman, Rashedur, Grau, Brigitte  & Rosset, Sophie  (2018). Impact of Entity Graphs on Extracting Semantic Relations. In Juan A. Lossio-Ventura & Hugo Alatrista-Salas (Eds.), Information management and big data: 4th Annual International Symposium, SIMBIG 2017 (pp. 31-47). Springer.


Doctoral thesis or other academic work 

Author surname, author first name(s) (year). Title: Subtitle (in italics). [Description of work: Doctoral thesis, Master’s dissertation, Final degree project]. University title. http://URL

Yarad Jeada, Valeria (2018). Procesos de uso y consumo de nuevas tecnologías digitales: un análisis específico sobre las prácticas en torno a dispositivos de reproducción móvil digital [Doctoral thesis] Universidad Complutense de Madrid.



Title of the Act or legislation (in italics) (year). Title of the official publication (in italics), number of the publication (in italics), date: Year, Month Day, page range. https://URL

Ley 17/2011, de 5 de julio, de seguridad alimentaria y nutrición (2011). Boletín Oficial del Estado, 160, sec. I, 6 July 2011, 71283 - 71319.


Technical or research report (with author)

Author surname, author first name(s) (year). Report title (in italics) (Report No. xxx if available). Publisher information (if the author and the publisher are the same, omit the publisher). https://URL or DOI

Weaver, Peter L. & Schwinger, Joseph J. (2009). U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service refuges and other nearby reserves in Southwestern Puerto Rico (General Technical Report IITF-40). International Institute of Tropical Forestry.


Technical or research report (publisher as author) 

Publisher information (year). Report title (in italics) (Report No. xxx if available). https://URL or DOI

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (2017). Report on food consumption in Spain, 2016. 

*Blackwell, Debra L., Lucas, Jacqueline W. & Clarke, Tainya C. (2014). Summary health statistics for U.S. adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2012 (Vital and Health Statistics Series 10, No. 260). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

*Report authored by an individual author (or group of authors), within an organization, and published as part of a series. 



Author surname, author first name(s) (date last updated: Year, Month Day in numbers). Title: Subtitle (in italics). Website name. https://URL

Neff, Kristin D. (2016, December 29). Be kind to yourself: How self-compassion can improve your resiliency. Mayo Clinic.

*World Health Organization (2018, March). Questions and answers on immunization and vaccine safety. 

*Where the author and name of a webpage are the same, omit the site name. 

Note: When referencing webpages, do not use the copyright date that appears at the end of webpage, only the publication date of the content or the ‘last updated’ date if clearly related to the material cited. If no date is available use ‘n.d.’ for ‘no date’.


Audiovisual works 

Image (web or stock) 

Author surname, author first name(s) (year). Title [description of work]. Publisher. http://URL

Denali National Park and Preserve. (2013). Lava [Photograph]. Flickr.


Art works on webpages or in museums 

Author surname, author first name(s) (year). Title [description of work]. Museum, City, Country. http://URL

Van Gogh, Vicent (1889). The starry night [Painting]. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, United States.



Director surname, director first name(s) (Director) (year). Title [description of work]. Producer.

Zemeckis, Robert (Director) (1994). Forrest Gump [Film]. Paramount Pictures.


Television series 

Executive producer surname, executive producer first name(s) (Executive producer) (year range). Title [description of work]. Producer.

Serling, Rod (Executive producer) (1959–1964). The twilight zone [TV series]. CBS Productions.


Television series episode 

Director surname, director first name(s) (Director) (Date: year, month and day in numbers). Episode title (Season, Episode) [description of work]. Executive producer surname, executive producer first name(s). (Executive producer), Series title (in italics). Producer.

Hill, Walter (Director) (2004, March 21). Deadwood (Season 1, Episode 1) [TV series episode]. In David Milch, Gregg Flenberg & Mark Tinker [Executive producers], Deadwood. HBO.


YouTube video

* Author surname, author first name(s) [username] (date: year, month and day in numbers). Title (in italics) [description of work]. YouTube. http:// URL

Asian Boss (2020, June 5). World’s leading vaccine expert fact-checks COVID-19 vaccine conspiracy: Stay curious #22 [Video]. YouTube.

Harvard University (2019, August 28). Soft robotic gripper for jellyfish [Video]. YouTube.

*The person (or group) who uploaded the video is credited as the author. If the uploader’s real name is known, use it with the username following in [square brackets]



Author surname, author first name(s) (date: year, month and day in numbers). Title (in italics) [Description]. Online source. http://URL

Jones, Jennifer (2016, March 23). Guided reading: Making the most of it [PowerPoint presentation]. SlideShare.


Blog post 

Author surname, author first name(s) (date: year, month and day in numbers). Title. Blog title (in italics). http://URL

Ouellette, Jennifer (2019, November 20). Physicists capture first footage of quantum knots unraveling in superfluid. Ars Technica


Blog comment 

Author (date: year, month and day in numbers). Extract of the first few words of the comment [Comment on the blog post “Title of blog post”]. Blog title (in italics). http://URL

Joachimr (2019, November 19). We are relying on APA as our university style format - the university is located in Germany (Kassel). So I [Comment on the blog post “The transition to seventh edition APA Style”]. APA Style.


Social media 

Facebook post

Author surname, author first name(s) (date: year, month and day in numbers). Title (in italics) - Use the content of the entry up to the first 20 words. Facebook. http://URL

News From Science (2019, June 12). Are you a fan of astronomy? Enjoy reading about what scientists have discovered in our solar system—and beyond? This [Image with link attached]. Facebook.


Facebook page

Author surname, author first name(s) (no date). Home (in italics) [Facebook page]. Facebook. Retrieved month day in numbers, year, from http://URL

Community of Multiculturalism (n.d.). Home [Facebook page]. Facebook. Retrieved October 14, 2020 from



Author surname, author first name(s) [Twitter handle]. (date: year, month and day in numbers). Title (in italics) - Use the content of the entry up to the first 20 words [Image attached] [Tweet]. Twitter. http://URL

Gates, Bill [@BillGates] (2019, September 7). Today, it’s difficult for researchers to diagnose #Alzheimers patients early enough to intervene. A reliable, easy and accurate diagnostic would [Tweet]. Twitter.


AI Models and Software (ChatGPT...)

Developer (year). AI Model/Software/Chatbot (Version: Year, Month Day in numbers) [Large language model]. https://URL

OpenAI (2023). ChatGPT (versión del 14 de marzo) [Large language model].

-Parenthetical citation: (OpenAI, 2023)

-Narrative citation: OpenAI (2023)

-When quoting full text of long responses from Chatbot included in an Appendix or in online supplemental materials (OpenAI, 2023; see Appendix A for the full transcript).


Proof reading of submissions accepted for publication

If a submission is accepted for publication, the corresponding author will receive a typeset PDF proof of the manuscript. It is mandatory for all corresponding authors to revise the proofs. Corresponding author(s) have 2 days to revise and resubmit the proof with corrections (if necessary). Manuscripts will only be published once authors have completed this process.

Research data policy

Teknokultura encourages authors to store the data gathered for their research (quantitative and/or qualitative) in repositories of renowned prestige, both field specific as well as generalist. The goal of this policy is to promote scientific development and ensure that research can be validated, reproduced and analyzed by other studies. To achieve this, it is necessary that all data used in studies is available with unrestricted access. In the article evaluation process, the public availability of research data will be considered as an added value. More information and examples of how to make the deposit are available here.

Privacy Statement

Basic information on treatment data protection: Publications Service

Controller Vicerrectorado Cultura y Deporte y Extensión Universitaria, +info
Purpose Dissemination and sale of UCM’s publishing/ billing and shipping of publications +info
Legitimacy Mission in public interest; execution of a contract +info
Recipients No data will be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation +info
Rights Access, rectify and erasure data, as well as other rights, explained in the additional information +info
Additional information You can find more detailed information on our website: