Resistance is futile: the borg, the hive, and corporate hegemony
Steve Coulter
Reviewer A:
Please, comment on the most relevant aspects (positive points and areas to improve) of the reviewed article.
This article clearly articulates the foundations of alienation of value from Adam Seeing how corporations are like the Borg of the Star Trek universe is illuminating. This article makes a wonderful start in using this metaphor to understand the role of corporations in our current political economy. It would be stronger if it deepens the analysis in several areas.
Would you suggest any changes or make any recommendations to improve the quality of the article?
As another reviewer noted, the article should differentiate between various categories and types of cyborg corporations. After all, a notable feature of the cyborgization is the wide range of cyborgs it produces.
Recommendation: Revisions Required
Reviewer B:
Please, comment on the most relevant aspects (positive points and areas to improve) of the reviewed article.
Me ha resultado un artículo muy sugerente y original en su hipótesis básica (equiparar las corporaciones a los superorganismos biológicos). Asimismo, es un texto que se encuentra muy bien escrito mezclando referencias a la idea de corporación global moderna con aportaciones de la zoología, la sociobiología, la ciencia ficción, etc. No siempre esa articulación se consigue hacer fluida y en este caso es un texto ameno y sugerente.
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Hay una serie de términos que yo personalmente explicaría, definiría o aclararía en el texto y que no me parecen de conocimiento habitual: antropoceno, la serie Star Trek y sus personajes, hipérbole poética, términos de biología, eusociality, etc. Es cierto que algunos se definen o tratan en el texto pero me parece que no todos y que se hace de forma algo rápida en ocasiones.
Recommendation: Accept Submission
Reviewer C:
Please, comment on the most relevant aspects (positive points and areas to improve) of the reviewed article.
Review APA style for in-text citation, following (Kratz & Siegfried, 2010, Chapter 2). We recommend indirect quotation. If direct quotation is used, page rage must be incorporated instead of Cahpter 2.
Would you suggest any changes or make any recommendations to improve the quality of the article?
Recommendation: See Comments
The article included modifications