Competencias profesionales y creatividad docente en los futuros profesores de música de secundaria: un estudio a partir del contexto universitario inglés

  • Miquel Alsina


The article presents a research on professional standards, music teaching skills and creative teaching practices in the context of a secondary music teachers training course in England. In order to get reliability, a wide range of qualitative data was collected through multiple techniques –analysis of documents, observations, questionnaires and interviews– and analysed. The results show that skills related with music performance and personal attitudes are the most valued by future teachers. Also, both pre-service secondary music teachers and their supervisors recognize school mentors’ major role in modelling and giving support to the development of creative teaching practices. The relationship between the Standards for Qualified Teacher Status and creative teaching is controversial since Standards are seen to be too pre-scriptive and not related enough to the teacher’s subject specialisation.


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How to Cite
Alsina M. (2006). Competencias profesionales y creatividad docente en los futuros profesores de música de secundaria: un estudio a partir del contexto universitario inglés. Revista Electrónica Complutense de Investigación en Educación Musical - RECIEM, 3, 2.