El género y la participación en algunos órganos de gobierno en la universidad

  • Marina Tomás
  • Maria Del Mar Duran
Keywords: Participation, Group, Gender, University, Decision making and management,


As the level of power and responsibility in universities increases, the presence of the female gender decreases. Spanish universities are largely governed by a participatory system, therefore the purpose of our study was to observe how teaching staff participate within their governing bodies. Taking as our starting point the production of categories of observation of the contributions made in decision-making meetings and discussion groups, a descriptive exploratory study was carried out on participation according to gender. The results show certain tendencies such as the fact that female teaching staff present a more assertive style of participation rather than aggressive or passive and that the gender of the coordinator of the meeting influences the way in which those present participate.


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How to Cite
Tomás M. . y Duran M. D. M. . (2009). El género y la participación en algunos órganos de gobierno en la universidad. Revista Complutense de Educación, 20(1), 151-163. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RCED/article/view/RCED0909120151A