Aproximación a la evaluación de un programa de "formación fuera del aula" en la Universidad

  • José Manuel García Ramos
  • Carmen De La Calle Maldonado de Guevara
  • Miguel Ortega de la Fuente
  • Ana Mª Sánchez-cabezudo Rodríguez
Keywords: Education no regulated, Scholastic climate, External motivations, Dynamisms of actions, Relations and experiences,


The present time of a world in constant change invites of a special way to the educational ones of any scope, to look for new ways to imply the student. In order to be able to approach I tot the deepest reality of the educative process: to be able to remove the best thing from each one. The present case shows a program that looks for to us, through different activities outside the classroom, to introduce to the college student, not in the paradigms and own lessons of each subject, but in something more general than are in the base of all university education. One is keys like the search of the truth, the synthesis of knowledge's, the integral formation and the service to the society.


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How to Cite
García Ramos J. M., Calle Maldonado de Guevara C. D. L., Ortega de la Fuente M. . y Sánchez-cabezudo Rodríguez A. M. . (2008). Aproximación a la evaluación de un programa de "formación fuera del aula" en la Universidad. Revista Complutense de Educación, 19(2), 405-423. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RCED/article/view/RCED0808220405A